

Wellcome / EPSRC Centre for Interventional and Surgical Sciences


PitVis-2023 Workflow Recongition Dataset

The dataset contains both surgical step and surgical instruments annotations for 25-videos of endoscopic pituitary surgery.


eTSA steps and instrument

The first public dataset containing both step and instrument annotations of the endoscopic TransSphenoidal Approach (eTSA). The dataset includes 25-videos and the corresponding step and instrument annotation. Helpful scripts and baseline models can be found on: . This dataset is released as part of the PitVis-2023 Challenge, a sub-challenge of the EndoVis Challenge hosted at the annual MICCAI conference (Vancouver, Canada on 06-Oct-2024). More details about the challenge can be found on the challenge website: .

Downloading the Dataset

If you wish to download this dataset, please visit .


PitVis-2023 Workflow Recongition Dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).


Citing the Dataset

Please cite the following paper if you have used this dataset.


For any questions regarding this dataset please contact Adrito Das.