

International Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) Centre


New Zealand


Key contacts: Dr Gary Cheung, Senior Lecturer & Old Age Psychiatrist Department of Psychological Medicine, The University of Auckland (Level 12, Auckland Hospital Support Building, Grafton, Auckland 1142, New Zealand).

Dr Kathy Peri, Senior Lecturer, School of Nursing, The University of Auckland (Building 505, Level 2, 85 Park Road, Grafton, Auckland).


CST research projects

There are three ongoing research projects: 1. A feasibility study exploring the implementation of CST in the NZ context; 2. Competencies and training requirements of CST practitioners and 3. Maintenance CST in residential care facilities.

Hawkes Bay

Key contact: Sophie James, Registered Occupational Therapist, Older Persons Mental Health/  Hawke's Bay District Health Board, Private Bag 9014, Hastings, New Zealand.


CST provision

They are providing two initial treatment programmes and five maintenance programmes per week. They are also delivering a 'bridging programme', to bridge the gap between the CST programme and the Alzheimer's Society day programme.

CST research projects

The service is planning to write up CST from a New Zealand perspective.Â