

Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS)


Introducing... Dr Lin Wang

2 October 2023

Dr Lin Wang is an IAS Visiting Research Fellow in 2023-24.

Dr Lin Wang

Lin Wang is an associate professor in the College of Foreign Languages, USST (University of Shanghai for Science and Technology), China. She obtained her doctor’s degree in English language and Literature from Shanghai International Studies University in 2015. She was a visiting scholar at Queens College, the City University of New York in July 2019. Her research areas include translated literature and comparative literature. A Study on the Phenomenon of Oscar Wilde’s Translation and Reception in Mainland China by Jilin University Press is her recent published book.

During her time at the IAS, Lin Wang will further her studies on Oscar Wilde from the perspective of comparative literature. She will also concentrate on the changes of images of China in British modern and contemporary literature and try to find out the trend of such changes and the underlying cultural, social and political elements influencing such changes.