

Information Studies


Centre for Critical Archives & Records Management Studies

UCL’s Centre for Critical Archives & Records Management Studies (CCARMS) brings together a vibrant network of people who teach, research and practice in the area of archives and records management. The Centre’s central aims are:
• Developing and contributing to an active, international, inclusive and sustainable network of critical and reflective thinking on archives and records management theory and practice.
• Facilitating ethical, effective and anti-oppressive approaches to archives and records, in support of wider societal goals including social justice and equitable rights and access.


CCARMS core is made up of academics, research fellows, post-docs, doctoral and MA students from the Department of Information Studies at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË connected to teaching and researching from critical perspectives around archives and records management. 



CCARMS supports and faciliates a wide range of research projects connected to archives and records management.

Policies and Guidance


CCARMS hold a variety of events that are open to the public, including a frequent seminar series.

Reading groups

To find out more about our events, research and people visit our blog

UCL quad

History of the Centre

Find out more about the history of CCARMS