



UCL History excels in QS World University Subject Rankings

22 March 2016

Globe in hands

The QS World University Rankings by Subject 2016 show an improved performance for the department. UCL History is now in 15th place among history departments globally; the fourth highest ranked history department in the UK.

This is a significant achievement as in 2015 the department took 32nd place (sixth in the UK). It follows our strong performance in the most recent Research Excellence Framework and National Student Survey, plus the recruitment of new academic staff and revision of our undergraduate curriculum.

Professor Jason Peacey, Head of History, commented:

"League tables of universities and departments come thick and fast, and in the latest QS World Rankings UCL History stands very impressively at 4th place within the UK (up from 6th in 2015), and 15th in the world (up from 32nd in 2015). Obviously, such placings vary and need to be treated cautiously, but the QS World Rankings are based on an interesting basket of scores, involving academic peer review, staff-student ratio, research citations, employer reputation and the diversity of both staff and student bodies. Whatever their accuracy, our improved ranking is the key point to note, and this obviously represents recognition for all of our hard work!"