

UCL Health


Accelerating healthcare innovation through training and career development

UCL's Translational Training Manager, Kim Gurwitz, reflects on 18 months of the ACCELERATE programme, which inspires 100s of researchers to positively impact healthcare through translational research.

Translational research aims to unlock the potential ofresearchinnovationfor the benefit of healthcarebytranslating research from“bench to bedside”.

ACCELERATE,UCL’s Translational Research Training Programme,providestraining and developmentopportunities for researchers interested intranslational research.Since its launch18 months ago,the programmehas hosted 37 events across 12 initiatives with over 400 participants, in total.


The modular, flexible programmehelpsresearchers fromall disciplines-notjust medical sciences -learn more about translational researchandispositively influencingresearch culture by demystifyinghow totranslate ideasinto healthcare applications. ACCELERATEalsosupportsresearchers to learn and practise skills that enable this process.ճinitiatives are wide-ranging and form a diverse portfolio of opportunitieswhereparticipants can engage. These engagement opportunities rangefromtechnical training onvarioustopics(such as intellectual property and data management); skillsdevelopmentforgrant writingand pitching ideas;andspaces forinnovative thinkingthrough mentoring and teamwork.

Here are the highlights fromACCELERATEthis year:

  1. We supportedearly career researchers to win funding

In collaboration withUCL Therapeutic Innovation Networks,wesupportedearly career researchers towrite grantsandpitchtheir ideas. This hashelpedover 30 applicantsto winfunding to support their translational research projects.One applicant commented that their “pitch was transformed by the training”.ճpanelistsjudgingthe pitchessaid that theywere very impressed bythescientific quality anddeliveryof thepresentations.

  1. Wecreatedopportunities for deeper connections to form within thetranslationalresearch community

ճACCELERATE Innovation: Mentoring for Medical Innovationinitiative, in partnership with theCollaboration for Advancement of Sustainable Medical Innovation(CASMI),pairs leaders in medical innovation with early career researchers.The initiativeaims to build lasting relationships in the innovation ecosystem while giving early career researchers support to pursue translational research.Weprovidedcoaching and resources on mentoring practice to enrich the 6-month experience for both mentees and mentors.We received encouraging feedback from participants:

“My mentor has been so helpful. They helped me to meet relevant people for my project, they helped with taking ideas to the next step. Knowing that I would meet with them in a few weeks made me feel accountable to finish tasks that I could postpone. They made me feelenergisedand withtheirsupport I was more resilient.”~ACCELERATEMentee.

  1. Wereachedawideraudience withouronline, self-paced, open-access short course

ACCELERATE Potential:AnIntroduction toTranslational Researchcoversthebasics of translational research, how to get started, and where to find support.Over 100individuals havealreadysignedup.The courseis open to all and free of charge – go on,sign up!

“I feel I have a much better grasp of translational research at ʼһ after having completed the course. I particularly enjoyed the videos and the animation, and I applaud the amount of work that has gone into creating this course.”~ACCELERATE PotentialCourseParticipant.

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  1. We promotedandsupported interdisciplinary teams

What happens when researchers from different backgroundsanddisciplines puttheir expertise together to solve healthcare challenges? This is theideabehindtheACCELERATE Innovation: Team Challenge.Teamsform in the first few weeks of this eight-weekinitiativeandare supported with training, hands-on experience,and fundingfortheirhealthcare innovations.Round one of this exciting initiative is ongoing (May-July 2021)andwe arelooking forward to seeing theteamsprogresstheir ideas!

  1. We workedcollaboratively to develop training

Central to the ACCELERATE philosophy is working with and highlighting the experts intranslational research. Rather than reinventingthe wheel,ourwebpagessignpost toexpert resourcesacross UCL. And where gaps exist,wecollaboratewith others to create training initiatives and resources.Forthe online short course calledACCELERATE Potential,wecollaborated with representatives from over 25 teams acrossthe university and industry partners in the UK. In another example,wecollaborated withUCL Public Engagement,Patient and Public Research Panel Members from the NIHR Blood and Transplant Research Unit, and UCL researchers to developtrainingresources to support‘involvingpatients and the public in research’. The team recentlyto highlightthe importanceofengaging stakeholders, which is a key component of translational research.

What’s next for ACCELERATE?

ACCELERATE is continuously adaptingto new challenges and opportunities in the research communitytokeepsupporting the needs of researchers. We want to hear from you– how can we help youget your research into healthcare?For more informationonour programmeand tolet us know aboutyour questions and ideas, check out theACCELERATE websiteorbrowse upcoming events.

ACCELERATE is a joint venture between theUCL Academic Careers Officeand theUCL Translational Research Office. The programmeis supported by theWellcomeTrust and the NIHR UCLH Biomedical Research Centre.