

Graduation Ceremonies


UCL Careers

Secured your dream job or are you still not sure what you would like to do? No matter what stage you’re at in your career planning, our team are still here to support you as a graduate of UCL.

UCL careers sign and group of people conversing
Careers support after graduation

Did you know? You can access career support for up to three years after you graduate.

You will continue to have access to:

  • CV and application checking
  • Practice interviews
  • Assessment centres
  • Employer events
  • Exclusive job and internship opportunities
  • Our Ìý(helpful articles written by UCL Careers, including industry sector guides and tips on popular topics)
  • (an AI CV checking tool for immediate tips and advice)

You can also book guidance sessions where you can discuss:

  • Deciding on what to do after graduation
  • Planning to get to where you want to be
  • Getting work experience and internships
  • Marketing yourself to employers
  • Developing skills during a gap year or further study



Book and browse all this and more on your dedicated careers platform.

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