

Governance and compliance


Academic Board: Terms of Reference

Information regarding the UCL Academic Board's formal powers and responsibilities.

The following powers and duties of the Academic Board are laid down by Statute (Statute 7):

  1. Subject to the provisions of Article 8 of the Charter and to the Statutes and Ordinances of the University, the duties of the Academic Board shall be:

    1. To consider and advise the Council upon all academic matters and questions affecting the educational policy of the College, the organisation of teaching, examining, research, and courses of instruction, including the following:

      • Matters concerning academic co-operation between the College and any other body;
      • Appointments to established Chairs and Readerships of the University of London tenable at the College;
      • Any other matter that may be referred to it by the Council.
    2. To consider and advise the Council upon conditions and tenure of appointment of Members of the Academic Staff.
    3. To discharge such other duties and functions connected with the College as the Council may from time to time assign to it.
    4. To elect and nominate as and when necessary Members to the Council in accordance with Statute 3(1).
    5. To recommend the award of degrees of the University.
  2. Subject to the provisions of the Charter and these Statutes the powers of the Academic Board shall be governed by Regulation or decision of the Council made in manner hereinbefore provided.
  3. Subject to the provisions of the Charter and these Statutes, and to such powers as may be delegated to it by the Council, the Academic Board shall have power to delegate upon such conditions as it may from time to time determine any of its powers and duties to Faculty Boards or Committees or Sub-Committees formed from its own number or otherwise appointed, or to Officers of the College, with or without power to the Faculty Boards, or such Committees or Sub-Committees further to delegate any of the delegated powers to any subordinate body.