

UCL European Institute


Brexit Divisions III: Business and Trade after Brexit

14 December 2016, 12:00 am

Event Information

Open to


Join us for the latest event in our Brexit Divisions series to examine the business and trade perspectives of British withdrawal from the EU.

This event is co-organised with the , embedded in a guest editor week on  that we are hosting from 12 to 16 December, and co-funded by the .

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Wednesday 14 December
13.30-17.30, followed by reception
JZ Young Lecture Theatre
Anatomy Building
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT

The British decision to leave the European Union in the 23 June referendum will have profound consequences for the country's economic policy and the future of its trade relations. To inform this debate, the UCL European Institute is hosting an afternoon of debate and discussion on the place of business and commercial interests in the negotiations to determine Britain's future relationship with Europe and the nature of Britain's trade and economic relations with the continent after Brexit. The event places experts from the academic, policymaking and business communities in conversation with one another and with the audience. Among the questions addressed by the two panels will be: What are the various options for Britain's future relationship with Europe? What will be the effect on the regulatory landscape of British withdrawal? What institutional form will the post-Brexit trading regime take? What will economic policy look like in post-Brexit Britain?

Panel Session 1: Brexit and Trade

  • Oliver Ilott, Senior Researcher, Institute for Government
  • Stephen Adams, Partner and Lead Consultant on European and Multilateral Issues, Global Counsel
  • Martins Paparinskis, Reader in Public International Law, UCL Faculty of Laws (Chair)

Panel Session 2: Business and Brexit

  • Michael Jacobs, Director, IPPR Commission on Economic Justice
  • Richard Davies, Chief of Staff of the LSE Growth Commission
  • Alison Harcourt, Professor in Politics, Exeter University, and ESRC Senior Fellow, UK in a Changing Europe Programme
  • David Coen, Professor of Public Policy and Head of Department, UCL School of Public Policy, and Director, UCL Global Governance Institute (Chair)

Our Brexit Divisions series is co-funded by a grant from the . The series aims to provide information and analysis to help clarify issues in a non-partisan manner. Please follow these links for details on Brexit Divisions I (Referendums) and Brexit Divisions II (Migration).

This event is embedded in a guest editor week on  that we are hosting from 12 to 16 December.