

Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


SPCR Impact Seminar


Speaker: Sarah Thomas


Sarah is based at The Wessex Institute, University of Southampton within the NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre (NETSCC) where she is the Insight and Evaluation Lead. Sarah’s responsibilities span business intelligence, portfolio insight, evaluation and impact assessment and Research on Research. She is the NIHRs Researchfish lead and co-Chair of the Researchfish Steering Board. Sarah is a qualitative researcher by training with an interest in complex, multi-method programme evaluation. She joined the NIHR HTA programme as Senior Programme Manager in 2008. Since joining NIHR, she has undertaken a number of different roles since including managing research funding, corporate governance, patient and public involvement, peer review, and intellectual property management. Previously, Sarah was the Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi) Policy Forum Scientific Programme Manager and NIHR Senior Research Manager, and she has held evaluation research roles with The Health Foundation and in the private research and consultancy sector.

Research Impact: what does it mean and how does it come about?

Research impact is a phrase that is used a lot.Ìý But it can sometimes feel far removed from the everyday reality of undertaking research. This session will explore:

  • What research impact means to you
  • What research impact is (and is not), and
  • Why the NIHR interested in research impact.

Through an interactive seminar, Sarah will share some practical tools thanÌýcan help you to plan and achieve the benefits and changes you would like to, through your research.Ìý If you're able to, in advance of the session, take a few minutes to think about the questions posed in the attached PDF to help kick start discussions
