

Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


Ms Su Aw 23.07.18

Title: Improving the BioPsychoSocial Health of community-dwelling older adults in 'Active Aging' Interventions: From Theory to Implementation Science


Holistic BioPsychoSocial (BPS) interventions are increasingly popular to integrate health and social care for community-dwelling older adults, as well as promote resiliency, and adaptive capability, upstream in the process of ageing. However, few active ageing interventions explicitly theorize and test how mechanisms targeting the different BPS health domains interrelate, serve to improve quality of life (QoL) of older adults, and how they can be better integrated during service delivery. 

This study considers BPS theory in the design, implementation and evaluation of the Community for Successful Ageing (ComSA) intervention in Singapore, comprising of a self-care management component (B), reminiscence therapy (P) and community interests and action component (S). Using a mixed-methods participatory approach, we seek to evaluate what works, in terms of service delivery mechanisms among community partners and techniques for behaviour change, for whom, and in which contexts to improve 6 BPS health outcomes for older adults. Programming implications for integrating health and social care, and optimising delivery will be discussed.

Speaker Bio:

Ms AW Su is a visiting PhD student at CAPS for three months and is currently completing her third year of PhD in Public Health at the National University of Singapore. With a background in psychology and community health, her interests include community-based participatory research, psychosocial aspects of ageing and coping, senior volunteerism, and integrated care.