

Innovation & Enterprise


Creating and managing an innovation network: guidance

Learn more about what’s involved in setting up and running an innovation network.

Here we outline key things you should consider at each stage of the development and evolution of a successful network.

Creating a network

When planning and setting up a new network you should:

  • research existing networks in the same field (both in the UK and internationally)
  • clearly define the purpose and objectives of your network
  • think about what kind of activities your network might run
  • determine how you will measure the success of your network
  • identify an active core membership (“founders group”)
  • consider how the network will be managed (for example, will it be run by a Chair or a small management board)
  • consider what operational support the Chair/management board will need and appoint a network coordinator if required
  • set up an advisory board or steering committee and consider wider governance issues
  • complete longer-term planning, including how the network may grow and evolve and how it will continue to be funded

Maintaining a network

One your network is up and running, you'll need to focus on:

  • planning activities and events
  • communicating with members and any external audiences
  • mitigating the turnover of membership, especially core members
  • making your network indispensable (you'll need to be able to demonstrate its value to your members and potential members)
  • checking and measuring your progress against stated aims and objectives
  • securing the future of the network, though growing the membership and obtaining ongoing funding

Sustaining a network long-term

A good funding model will be key to keeping your network going.

You could generate income by:

  • charging a membership fee (this will also help generate commitment to the network)
  • charging members/non-members for workshops, training, CPD etc.
  • developing products or tools which you can sell to members or the wider community
  • allowing network members to advertise or sell their products or services to other members or the wider community with an advertising fee or sales commission for the network
  • offering consultancy services to members or external organisations
  • raising direct sponsorship from a user community or partners
  • applying for relevant grants (e.g. research council network schemes, European funding, government investments, foundations)
  • seeking philanthropic donations (a risk assessment on the feasibility of this model is recommended before you start a campaign to secure donations)