
Statistical tables

One interesting extension in the new version of ICECUP is its support for tables of statistics derived from the corpus. ICECUP 3.1 lets you define tables in the Corpus Map, Lexicon and Grammaticon.

The lexicon

You can add query columns to the table by Drag and Drop and insert columns to calculate ratios and evaluate statistical significance. For example, the last column in the table above shows the proportion in ICE-GB of utterances of ‘pretty/ier/iest’ made by male participants.

You can also organise the lexicon and contract the hierarchy to view statistics at an appropriate level of generality. The table below shows baseline statistics for different parts of speech for words starting with ‘work’.

A table in the lexicon

Tables of statistics can be exported to disk and imported into spreadsheet programs.

Corpus Map tables can be used to explore whether sociolinguistic variation predict other changes. Lexicon and grammaticon tables, like these here, can be used to see if lexical or grammatical alternation can predict sociolinguistic variation (a kind of 'stylistic' prediction).

Note: If you want to explore whether one lexico-grammatical choice interacts with another, then ICECUP's tables are not a good method. Instead, you should use the methods outlined for Grammatical predictors in the FTF experiments webpages.


This page last modified 7 July, 2020 by Survey Web Administrator.