Survey of English Usage Bibliography

This bibliography contains books and articles using material from the original Survey Corpus (‘the Quirk Corpus’) or from the British Component of the International Corpus of English () or the Diachronic Corpus of Present-Day Spoken English ().

This site is updated regularly. Please let us know if you spot any omissions, or would like us to add recent publications (ucleseu@ucl.ac.uk).

Please note: we do not supply manuscripts on request. Some theses can be read at the Survey by arrangement.

Click a letter to find entries by first author's surname: AÌęBÌęCÌęDÌęEÌęFÌęGÌęHÌęIÌęJÌęKÌęLÌęMÌęNÌęOÌęPÌęQÌęRÌęSÌęTÌęUÌęVÌęWÌęXÌęYÌęZ

Aarts, B. (1988) ‘Clauses of concession in written present-day British English’. Journal of English Linguistics 21. 39-58.

Aarts, B. (1989) ‘Verb-preposition constructions and small clauses’. Journal of Linguistics 25. 277-290.

Aarts, B. (1990) ‘Prevent-type verbs in a GB framework’. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 2. 147-164.

Aarts, B. (1992) Small Clauses in English: the nonverbal types. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Aarts, B. (1992) ‘Applying government-binding theory: a case study’. In: Ma. A. Jurado Spuch (ed.) Linguistic inquiry: applications. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 25. 13-23.

Aarts, B. (1993) ‘Descriptive linguistics and theoretical linguistics: some new thoughts on a (still) uneasy relationship’. Moderne Sprachen 37.4. 197-208.

Aarts, B. (1994) ‘The syntax of binominal noun phrases in English’. Dutch Working Papers in English Language and Linguistics 30. 1-28.

Aarts, B. (1995) ‘Secondary predicates in English’. In: B. Aarts and C. F. Meyer (1995) (eds.). 75-100.

Aarts, B. (1996) ‘The rhetorical adverb simply in present-day British English’. In: C. Percy, C. F. Meyer and I. Lancashire (1996) (eds.). 59-68.

Aarts, B. (1997) ‘Predicative XPs in English’. Journal of English Linguistics 25.4. 332-339.

Aarts, B. (1997) English syntax and argumentation. London: Macmillan.

Aarts, B. (1997) ‘The role of argumentation in the description of English’. In: J. Aarts, H. Wekker and I. de Mönninck (1997) (eds.). 7-21.

Aarts, B. (1998) ‘Binominal noun phrases in English’. Transactions of the Philological Society 96.1. 117-158.

Aarts, B. (2001) ‘Corpus linguistics, Chomsky and fuzzy tree fragments’. In: C. Mair and M. Hundt (2001) (eds.). 5-13.

Aarts, B. (2001) English syntax and argumentation. Second edition. London: Palgrave.

Aarts, B. (2001) Review of P. Collins and D. Lee (1999) (eds.) The clause in English: in honour of Rodney Huddleston. Studies in Language Companion Series. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Journal of Linguistics 37. 423-428.

Aarts, B. (2002) English syntax and argumentation. Korean translation by Dong-hwan An. Seoul: Hankook Publishing company.

Aarts, B. (2004) ‘Modelling linguistic gradience’. Studies in Language 28.1. 1-49.

Aarts, B. (2004) ‘Grammatici certant’. Review Article of Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey Pullum (2002) The Cambridge grammar of the English language. Journal of Linguistics 40.2.

Aarts, B. (2004) ‘Conceptions of gradience in the history of linguistics’. Language Sciences 26.

Aarts, B. (2006) ‘Conceptions of categorization in the history of linguistics’. Language Sciences 28. 361-385.

Aarts, B. (2007) Syntactic gradience: the nature of grammatical indeterminacy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Aarts, B. (2007) ‘In defence of distributional analysis, pace Croft’ (2007) Studies in Language 31.2. 431-443.

Aarts, B. (2008) ‘Approaches to the English gerund’. In: Trousdale G. and N. Gisborne (eds.). 11-31.

Aarts, B. (2008) English syntax and argumentation. Third edition. Macmillan Modern Linguistics Series. Basingstoke and London: Macmillan. A Korean translation of this book by Professor Dong-hwan An was published in 2008 in Seoul by the Hankook Publishing company.

Aarts, B. (2011) Oxford modern English grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Aarts, B. (2016) ‘Englicious: using corpus resources in English grammar teaching’. Paper for the Committee for Linguistics in Education (CLIE) of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain. London.

Aarts, B. (2019) ‘What for?’ In: N. Yåñez-Bouza, E. Moore, L. van Bergen and W. B. Hollmann (eds.) Categories, constructions and change in English syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 54-80.

Aarts, B. (2019) ‘Teaching English grammar: the Englicious approach’. Languages, Society & Policy: Dialogues. » .

Aarts, B. (2020) Syntactic argumentation. In: B. Aarts, J. Bowie and G. Popova (eds.) The Oxford handbook of English grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 21-39.

Aarts, B. and C. F. Meyer (1995) ‘Theoretical and descriptive approaches to the study of the verb in English’. In: B. Aarts and C. F. Meyer (1995) (eds.). 1-24.

Aarts, B. and C.F. Meyer (1995) (eds.) The Verb in Contemporary English: theory and description. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Aarts, B., G. Nelson and S.A. Wallis (1998) ‘Using fuzzy tree fragments to explore English grammar’. English Today 14.3. 52-56.

Aarts, B., G. Nelson and J. Buckley (1998) ‘The Internet grammar of English: new horizons in grammar pedagogy’. In: A. Renouf (1998) (ed.). 249-255.

Aarts, B., G. Nelson and J. Buckley (1999) ‘Online resources for grammar teaching and learning: the internet grammar of English’. In: R. S. Wheeler (1999a) (ed.). 199-212.

Aarts, B. and G. Nelson (1999) ‘Investigating English around the world: the International Corpus of English’. In: R. S. Wheeler (1999b) (ed.). 107-115.

Aarts, B., S.A. Wallis and G. Nelson (2000) ‘Parsing in reverse: exploring ICE-GB with fuzzy tree fragments and ICECUP’. In: J. M. Kirk (2000) (ed.). 335-343.

Aarts, B., G. Nelson and S.A. Wallis (2000) ‘Global resources for a global language: English language pedagogy in the modern age’. In: C. Gnutzmann (2000) (ed.). 267-284.

Aarts, B. and M. W. Bauer (2000) ‘Corpus construction: a principle for qualitative data collection’. In: M. W. Bauer and G. Gaskell (2000) (eds.). 19-37.

Aarts, B. and F. Aarts (2002) ‘Relative whom: a ‘mischief-maker’’. In: A. Fischer, G. Tottie and P. Schneider (2002) (eds.). 123-130.

Aarts, B., E. Keizer, M. Spinillo and S.A. Wallis (2002) ‘Which or what? A study of interrogative determiners in present-day English’. In: A. Wilson, P. Rayson and A. McEnery (eds.). Corpus Linguistics by the Lune. (Lodz Studies in Language series). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Aarts, B., D. Denison, E. Keizer and G. Popova (2004) (Eds) Fuzzy grammar: a reader. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Aarts, B., D. Denison, E. Keizer and G. Popova (2004) ‘Fuzzy grammar: the nature of grammatical categories and their representation.’. In: B. Aarts, D. Denison, E. Keizer and G. Popova (2004) Fuzzy grammar: a reader. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Aarts, B., D. Denison and R. Hogg (2004) English Language and Linguistics. Cambridge University Press. Volumes 8.1 and 8.2.

Aarts, B. and A. McMahon (2006) The handbook of English linguistics. Malden MA: Blackwell Publishers.

Aarts, B. and A. McMahon (2006) ‘Introduction’. In: Aarts McMahon (2007). 1-5.

Aarts, B. and L. Haegeman (2006) ‘English word classes and phrases’. In: B. Aarts and A. McMahon (2007). 117-145.

Aarts, B. and S.A. Wallis (2006) ‘Recent developments in the syntactic annotation of corpora’. In: E. M. BermĂșdez and L. R. Miyares (2006). 197-202.

Aarts, B. and M. W. Bauer (2008) ‘Corpus construction: a principle for qualitative data collection’. In: Martin W. Bauer and George Gaskell (2008)(eds.).

Aarts, B., J. Close and S.A. Wallis (2010) ‘Recent changes in the use of the progressive construction in English’. In: Bert Cappelle and Naoaki Wada (2010) (eds.). 148-167.

Aarts, B. and J. Close (2010) ‘Current change in the modal system of English: a case study of must, have to and have got to.’ In: Ursula Lenker, Judith Huber, and Robert Mailhammer (2010)(eds). 165-181.

Aarts, B. and S.A. Wallis (2011) The interactive Grammar of English. (Mobile App) London: Survey of English Usage / UCL Business PLC.

Aarts, B., M. J. LĂłpez-Couso and B. MĂ©ndez-Naya. (2012) ‘Late modern English syntax’. In: A. Bergs and L. J. Brinton (eds.). 869-887.

Aarts, B., D. Clayton and S.A. Wallis (2012) ‘Bridging the Grammar Gap: teaching English grammar to the iPhone generation’. English Today 28. 3-8.

Aarts, B., J. Close, G. Leech and S.A. Wallis (2013) (eds.) The verb phrase in English: investigating recent change with corpora. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Aarts, B., J. Close and S.A. Wallis (2013) ‘Choices over time: methodological issues in current change’. In: B. Aarts, J. Close, G. Leech and S.A. Wallis (2013) (eds.). 14-43.

Aarts, B., S. Chalker and E. Weiner (2014) Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar. 2nd Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Aarts, B. and S.A. Wallis (2014) ‘Noun phrase simplicity in spoken English’. In: L. VeselovskĂĄ and M. JanebovĂĄ (eds.) Complex Visibles Out There. Proceedings of the Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium 2014: Language use and linguistic structure. Olomouc: PalackĂœ University.

Aarts, B., S.A. Wallis and J. Bowie (2015) ‘Profiling the English verb phrase over time: modal patterns’. In: I. Taavitsainen, M. Kytö, C. Claridge and J. Smith (eds.). 48-76.

Aarts, B. and E. Smith-Dennis (2018) ‘Using corpora for English language teaching and learning’. In: D. McIntyre and H. Price (eds.) Applying linguistics: language and the impact agenda. Abingdon: Routledge. 163-175.

Aarts, B., S.A. Wallis and J. Bowie (2018) ‘–IČÔČ” clauses in spoken English: structure, usage and recent change’. In: E. Seoane, C. Acuña-Fariña and I. Palacios-MartĂ­nez (eds.) Subordination in English: synchronic and diachronic perspectives. Topics in English Linguistics. Berlin: De Gruyter. 129-154.

Aarts, B., I. Cushing and R. Hudson (2019) How to teach grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Aarts, B., S. Wallis and I. Cushing (2019) ‘Exploiting parsed corpora in grammar teaching’. Linguistic Issues in Language Technology (LiLT) 18.5. 1-36. » .

Aarts, B. and I. Cushing (2019) ‘Making grammar meaningful: grammatical subject knowledge and pedagogical principles for grammar teaching’. Teaching English 19. 52-54.

Aarts, B., J. Bowie and G. Popova (2020) (eds.) The handbook of English grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Aarts, B., A. McMahon and L. Hinrichs (2021) (eds.) The handbook of English linguistics. 2nd edition. Hoboken NJ and Chichester: Wiley.

Aarts, B. (2021) (With D. Wyse, J. Anders, A. de Gennaro, J. Dockrell, Y. Manyukhina, S. Sing and C. Torgerson) Grammar for writing in England’s National Curriculum: a randomised controlled trial and implementation and process evaluation of Englicious. London: UCL Institute of Education and Survey of English Usage.

Aarts, F. (1971) ‘On the Distribution of noun-phrase types in English clause structure’. Lingua 26. 252-264.

Aarts, F. (1993) ‘Who, whom, that and Ø in two corpora of spoken English’. English Today 9. 19-21.

Aarts, F. (1994) ‘Imperative sentences in A Corpus of English Conversation’. Leuvense Bijdragen 83. 145-155.

Aarts, F. and J. Aarts (1982) English syntactic structures. Oxford: Pergamon Press.

Aarts, J. and W. Meijs (1984) (eds.) Corpus linguistics: recent developments in the use of computer corpora in English language research. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Aarts, J. and W. Meijs (1986) (eds.) Corpus Linguistics II. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Aarts, J. and W. Meijs (1990) (eds.) Theory and practice in corpus linguistics. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Aarts, J., P. de Haan and N. Oostdijk (1993) (eds.) English language corpora: design, analysis and exploitation. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Aarts, J., H. Wekker and I. de Mönninck (1997) (eds.) Studies in English language and teaching: in honour of Flor Aarts. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Abberton, E. (1977) ‘Nominal group premodification structures’. In: W.D. Bald and R. Ilson (eds.). 29-72.

Abeille, A. (1999) (ed.) Corpus annotés pour la syntaxe - Treebanks workshop. ATALA: Paris.

Aertsen, H., M. Hannay and R. Lyall (2004) (eds.) Words in their places: a Festschrift for J. Lachlan Mackenzie. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit Press.

Aijmer, K. (1984) ‘Go to and will in spoken English’. In: H. Ringbom and M. Rissanen (eds.). 141-157.

Aijmer, K. (1984) ‘Sort of and kind of in English conversation’. Studia Linguistica 38. 117- 128.

Aijmer, K. (1985) ‘What happens at the end of our utterances? The use of utterance-final tags introduced by and and or’. In: O. Togeby (1985) (ed.). 117-127.

Aijmer, K. (1985) ‘Just’. In: S. BĂ„ckman and G. Kjellmer (1985) (eds.). 1-11.

Aijmer, K. (1986) ‘Why is actually so frequent in spoken English’. In: G. Tottie and I. BĂ€cklund (1986a) (eds.). 119-124.

Aijmer, K. (1986) ‘Discourse variation and hedging’. In: J. Aarts and W. Meijs (eds.). 1-18.

Aijmer, K. (1986) ‘Speaking with many voices: direct and indirect speech in English conversation’. In: O. Dahl (1986) (ed.). 1-14.

Aijmer, K. (1987) ‘Oh and Ah in English conversation’. In: W. Meijs (1987) (ed.). 61-86.

Aijmer, K. (1988) ‘Now may we have a word on this: the use of now as a discourse particle’. In: M. Kytö, O. Ihalainen, and M. Rissanen (1988) (eds.). 15-34.

Aijmer, K.(1990) ‘Teaching spoken English’. In: G. Caie et al. (1990) (eds.). 383-395.

Aijmer, K.(1995) ‘Do women apologise more than men?’. In: G. Melchers and B. Warren (1995) (eds.). 59-69.

Aijmer, K. (2001) (ed.) A wealth of English: studies in honour of Göran Kjellmer. Gothenburg Studies in English 81. Gothenburg: The University of Gothenburg.

Aijmer, K. (2002) English discourse particles: evidence from a corpus. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Aijmer, K. (2008) Modal adverbs in interaction - obviously and definitely in adolescent speech. In: Nevalainen, T., I. Taavitsainen, P. Pahta and M. Korhonen (2008) (eds.), 61-83.

Aijmer, K. (2013) Understanding pragmatic markers: a variational pragmatic approach. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Aijmer, K. (2015) ‘Pragmatic markers’. In: K. Aijmer and C. RĂŒhlemann (2015)(eds.). 195-218.

Aijmer, K. (2022) ‘“Well he’s sick anyway like”: anyway in Irish English,’ Corpus Pragmatics

Aijmer, K. and B. Altenberg (1991) (eds.) English corpus linguistics. Studies in honour of Jan Svartvik. London: Longman.

Aijmer, K., B. Altenberg and L. Johansson (1996) Languages in contrast. Lund: Lund University Press.

Aijmer, K. and C. RĂŒhlemann (2015)(eds.) Corpus pragmatics: a handbook. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Akimoto, M.(1983) Idiomaticity. Tokyo: Shinozaki Shorin.

Akimoto, M. (1989) A Study of verbo-nominal structures in English. Tokyo: Shinozaki Shorin.

Akkerman, E. (1984) ‘Verb and particle combinations: particle frequency ratings and idiomaticity’. ICAME News 8. 60-70.

Alatis, J. E. (1991) (ed.) Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1991. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.

Alcaraz-Sintes, A. and S. Valera-HernĂĄndez (2014)(eds.) Diachrony and synchrony in English corpus linguistics. Bern etc.: Peter Lang.

Algeo, J. (1988) ‘British and American grammatical differences’. International Journal of Lexicography 1. 1-31.

Algeo, J. (1990) ‘It’s a myth, innit?’. In: C. Ricks and L. Michaels (1990) (eds.). 443-450.

Algeo, J. (1995) ‘Having a look at the expanded predicate’. In: B. Aarts and C. F. Meyer (1995)(eds.). 203-217.

Algeo, J. (2006) British or American English: a handbook of word and grammar patterns. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Allan, K. (2012) ‘Using OED data as evidence’. In K. Allan and J. Robinson (2012) (eds.). 17-40.

Allan, K. (2015) ‘Education in the Historical thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary: exploring diachronic change in a semantic field’. In: J. Daems, E. Zenner, K. Heylen, D. Speelman and H. Cuyckens (2015)(eds.), 81-96.

Allan, K. (2015) ‘Lost in transmission? The sense development of borrowed metaphor’. In: J. Diaz-Vera (ed.), 31-50.

Allan, K. (2019) (ed.) Keywords for today: reflections, reactions, futures. Special issue of the journal Critical Quarterly (61:3).

Allan, K. (2021) ‘Metaphor, metonymy and polysemy: a historical perspective. In: A. Soares da Silva (ed.) Figurative Language – Intersubjectivity and Usage. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 287-305.

Allan, K. and J. Robinson (2012) (eds.) Current methods in historical semantics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Allan, K. and A. Durant (2019) ‘Environment’. Critical Quarterly 61:3. 67-84.

Allan, K. and S. Mehl. (2021) ‘Keywords and onomasiology. Decolonizing, diversifying or liberating the curriculum?’ In: G. Kristiansen, K. Franco, S. De Pascale, L. Rosseel and W. Zhang (eds.) Cognitive Sociolinguistics Revisited. Berlin: de Gruyter, 58-68.

Allwood, J. and M. Ljung (1980) (eds.) ALVAR: a linguistically varied assortment of readings. Studies presented to Alvar EllegÄrd on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Stockholm: Department of English, University Stockholm.

Altenberg, B. (1984) ‘Causal linking in spoken and written English’. Studia Linguistica 38. 20-69.

Altenberg, B. (1984) Speech rate and tone-unit length in ten spoken texts. Lund: Survey of Spoken English, University of Lund.

Altenberg, B. (1984) ‘Lexical and sex-related differences in spoken and written English: some results of undergraduate research at Lund University’. In: H. Ringbom and M. Rissanan (1984) (eds.). 279-286.

Altenberg, B. (1985) Correlations between prosody and word classes in a spoken monologue. Lund: Survey of Spoken English, University of Lund.

Altenberg, B. (1985) ‘Prosodic patterns in a prepared monologue’. Lund: Survey of Spoken English, University of Lund.

Altenberg, B. (1986) ‘Contrastive linking in spoken and written English’. In: G. Tottie and I. BĂ€cklund (1986a) (eds.). 13-40.

Altenberg, B. (1987) ‘Predicting text segmentation into tone units’. In: W. Meijs (1987) (ed.). 49-60.

Altenberg, B. (1987) ‘Causal ordering strategies in English conversation’. In: J. Monaghan, (1987) (ed.). 50-64.

Altenberg, B. (1987) ‘Spoken English and the lexicon’. In: V. Liedloff (1987) (ed.).19-32.

Altenberg, B. (1987) ‘Prosodic patterns in spoken English: Studies in the correlation between prosody and grammar for text-to-speech conversation’. Lund: Lund University Press 1987.

Altenberg, B. (1989) ‘Some functions of the booster in spoken English’. In: I. Lindblad and M. Ljung (1989) (eds.). 5-20.

Altenberg, B. (1990) ‘Spoken English and the dictionary’. In: J. Svartvik (1990a) (ed.).177-191.

Altenberg, B. (1990) ‘Some functions of the booster’. In: J. Svartvik (1990a) (ed).193-209.

Altenberg, B. (1990) ‘Predicting text segmentation into tone units’. In: J. Svartvik (1990a) (ed.). 275-286.

Altenberg, B. (1990) ‘Automatic text segmentation into tone units’. In: J. Svartvik (1990a) (ed.). 287-323.

Altenberg, B. (1990) ‘Speech as linear composition’. In: G. Caie et al. (1990) (eds.). 133-145.

Altenberg, B. (1991) ‘Amplifier collocations in spoken English’. In: Johansson and Stenström (eds.), 127-147.

Altenberg, B. (1991) ‘The London-Lund corpus of spoken English: research and application’. In: Using corpora. Proceedings of the seventh annual conference of the UW Centre for the New OED and Text Research Ontario: UW Centre for the New OED and Text Research, University of Waterloo, and Oxford: Oxford University Press. 71-83.

Altenberg, B. (1993) ‘Recurrent verb-complement constructions in the London-Lund Corpus’. In: J. Aarts et al. (1993) (eds.). 227-245.

Altenberg, B. (1994) ‘On the functions of such in spoken and written English’. In: N. Oostdijk and P. de Haan (1994) (eds.). 223-240.

Altenberg, B. and M. Eeg-Olofsson (1990) ‘Phraseology in spoken English: presentation of a project’. In: Aarts and Meijs (1990) (eds.), 1-26.

Altenberg, B. and G. Tottie (1984) ‘Will there be texts in this class? Writing term papers within a research project’. In: H. Ringbom and M.Rissanan (1984) (eds.). 265-277.

Anderson, J. (1982) (ed.) Language Form and Linguistic Variation.

Andre, E. (1974) Studies in the correspondence between English intonation and the noun phrase in English grammar. LiÚge: Université de LiÚge.

Andre, E. (1975) ‘English tone contrasts in relative and adverbial clauses and in enumerative statements’. Revue de phonetique appliquee 35. 107-118.

Atwell, E. and C. Souter (1993) (eds.) Corpus-based computational linguistics. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Auwera, J. van der, D. NoĂ«l and A. de Wit (2012) ‘The diverging need (to)’s of Asian Englishes’. In M. Hundt and U. Gut (eds.). 54-75.

Auer, A., V. GonzĂĄlez-DĂ­az, J. Hodson and V. Sotirova (2016)(eds.) Linguistics and Literary History. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Bernaisch, T., B. Heller and S. Th. Gries (2017) ‘Empirical perspectives on two potential epicenters: the genitive alternation in Asian Englishes’. ICAME Journal 41. 111-144.

Axelsson, K. (2018) ‘Canonical tag questions in contemporary British speech’. In: Brezina, V., R. Love and K. Aijmer (2018)(eds.) Corpus approaches to contemporary British speech: sociolinguistic studies of the spoken BNC2014. New York: Routledge.

BĂ€cklund, I. (1984) Conjunction-headed abbreviated clauses in English. Uppsala: Almqvist and Wiksell.

BĂ€cklund, I. (1986) ‘Beat until stiff. Conjunction-headed abbreviated clauses in spoken and written English’. In: G. Tottie and I. BĂ€cklund (1986a) (eds.). 41-55.

BĂ€cklund, I. (1992) ‘Macrostructure in conversation’. In: A.-C. Lindeberg, N.E. Enkvist, and K. Wikberg (eds.). 61-71.

BÄckman, S. and G. Kjellmer (1985) (eds.) Papers on language and literature presented to Alvar EllegÄrd and Erik Frykman. Gothenburg Studies in English 60. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg.

Baker, W. and K. Womack (2014) (eds.) The year’s work in English studies, volume 93. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Bald, W. D. (1971) ‘The scope of negation and copula sentences in English’. Journal of English Linguistics 5. 1-28.

Bald, W. D. (1972) Studien zu den kopulativen Verben des Englischen. Munich: Hueber.

Bald, W. D. (1979) ‘English tag-questions and intonation’. In: K. Schumann (1979) (ed.). 263-291.

Bald, W. D. (1980) ‘Propword One’. Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht 54. 135-139.

Bald, W. D. (1980) ‘Some functions of yes and no in conversations’. In: S. Greenbaum et al. (1980) (eds.). 178-191.

Bald, W. D. (1984) ‘Markedness and Diachrony’. In: B. Carstensen and H. Grabes (1984) (eds.). 240- 247.

Bald, W. D. (1987) ‘If-SĂ€tze im Englischen’. In: W.-D. Bald (1987) (ed.). 38-50.

Bald, W. D. (1987) (ed.) Kernprobleme der englischen Grammatik. Berlin: Langenscheidt-Longman.

Bald, W. D. (1988) ‘A note on the textual distribution of one’. In: J. Klegraf and D. Nehls (1988) (eds.). 156-160.

Bald, W. D. (1990) ‘An example of phonological reduction in English’. In: S. Ramsaran (1990) (ed.). 317- 323.

Bald, W. D. (1990) ‘Modal auxiliaries: form and function in texts’. In: C. Uhlig and R. Zimmermann. (1990) 348-361.

Bald, W. D. (1991) ‘Haupt-und Nebenfunktion in der englischen Grammatik’. Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen 20. 132-143.

Bald, W. D. (1997) ‘If and falls’. In: Ramisch and Wynne (1997) (eds.). 6-23.

Bald, W. D. and R. Ilson (1977) (eds.) Studies in English Usage: The resources of a present-day English corpus for linguistic analysis. Frankfurt: Lang.

Ballier, N., T. Gaillat, and E. Pacquetet (2020) Prototype de feedback visuel des productions Ă©crites d’apprenants francophones de l’anglais sous Moodle. Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain (EIAH’19), University of Paris Sorbonne.

Bamgbose, A., A. Banjo and A. Thomas (1995) (eds.) New Englishes: A West African Perspective. Ibadan, Nigeria: Mosuro.

Banjo, A. (1996) ‘The sociolinguistics of English in Nigeria and the ICE project’. In: S. Greenbaum (1996) (ed.). 239-248.

Bauer, L. and J. Holmes (1996) ‘Getting into a flap! /t/ in New Zealand English’. World Englishes 15. 115-124.

Bauer M. W. and G. Gaskell (2000) (eds.) Qualitative researching with text, image and sound: a practical handbook. London: Sage. [Chinese translation published by Wunan Book Co., Taipeh, Taiwan 2010.]

Bazell, C. et al (1986) (eds.) In Memory of J.R. Firth.

Berg, T. (2000) ‘The position of adjectives on the noun-verb continuum’. English Language and Linguistics 4.2. 269-293.

Bergs, A. and Laurel J. Brinton (2012) (eds.) English historical linguistics: an international handbook. Volume 2. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science (HSK) 34.2. Berlin and New York: de Gruyter Mouton.

Bergenhoz, H., and B. S. Schaeder (1979) (eds.) Empirische Text-Wissenschaft.

Biber, D. (1985) ‘Investigating macroscopic textual variation through multi-feature/multi-dimensional analyses’. Linguistics 23. 155-178.

Biber, D. (1986) ‘Spoken and written textual dimensions in English: resolving the contradictory findings’. Language 62. 384-414.

Biber, D. (1986) ‘On the investigation of spoken/written differences’. Studia Linguistica 40. 1- 21.

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