

IPAC Documentation

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Moodle Questionnaire: Set up

The IPAC software can also be used with Moodle questionnaires instead of using the IPAC LTI. This is useful for those institutions that do not have LTIs enabled in their VLE. However, this method is sensible to human error when setting up the questionnaire for the students, and have limitations with respect to the IPAC LTI questionnaire. Therefore, when available, the IPAC LTI is recommended over the use of Moodle questionnaires.

Warning: When setting up the Moodle questionnaire, the tutors need to ensure that the format of the questions and possible answers is 100% consistent throughout the questionnaire, and follows the specifications given in this page. To facilitate this, those using this method are encouraged to get a working IPAC questionnaire and modify it rather than creating a questionnaire from scratch.

The students can access the IPAC Moodle questionnaire as any other questionnaire in Moodle, just following a link in the Moodle course page.


The students' view to the questionnaire is as shown in the image below. For a full view, you can download this PDF file.


The following image shows administrator view of the questionnaire. Click on 'Preview' on the navigation sidebar.


Use the top menu tabs to customise the questionnaire.


‘Advanced Settings’ tab allows you to change the title and introduction, the submission options and feedback options.


‘Questions’ tab lets you define each of the question, the number of students per group, the number of assessment levels and what each marking criteria represents, for example whether the terminology for the lowest criteria is poor, strongly disagree or 1. Click the ‘Edit’ button and make desirable changes. There are also buttons to change the order of the question and delete those which are unnecessary.


Within this ‘Edit’ link you can also name the questions, and make them mandatory or optional. The ‘non-respondents’ tab shows you which students have not answered the questionnaire. Reminder emails can be sent easily to the ‘non-respondents’ using the embedded features in the Moodle questionnaire.

Using Moodle questionnaires is a valid option, particularly for those institutions that do not have LTIs enabled.

In general, when available, the IPAC LTI is recommended over the use of Moodle questionnaires.