




The overarching aim of the EMINENT initiative is to deliver significant scientific progress, by utilizing unprecedented access to GSK's extensive portfolio of advanced clinic-ready compounds and technology platforms to accelerate the understanding of disease mechanisms and the development of new therapeutic strategies for patients in under-served disease areas.

The impact and success of the EMINENT initiative will be assessed across across three key areas.

Scientific innovation


Develop and sustain a community of scientific and medical researchers developing innovative tools and novel experimental / clinical approaches to deliver major scientific advances in areas of unmet medical need.


Promote capability and deliver expertise in all aspects of planning, delivering, interpreting and reporting experimental medicine studies.

  • Utilise collaborative relationships which provide novel scientific insight for unmet patient needs.
  • Identify and validate novel pathogenic mechanisms, drug targets and innovative biomarkers for patient stratification and end point prediction.
  • Facilitate drug discovery and development by defining new solutions which enable medical entities to translate from pre-clinical to clinical evaluation.
  • Design and execute innovative studies which expedite capability to translate medicines in areas of unmet need.
  • EMINENT scientists demonstrate a deep understanding of study design, study operationalization, data review/analysis and reporting.
  • Deliver high impact publications and development of intellectual property.
  • Track and report the number of papers published and cited on an annual basis.


Mechanistic understanding and drug discovery in areas of unmet are enhanced by the identification or validation of therapeutic targets/target pathways and the emergence of new diagnostic/prognostic imaging or soluble biomarkers, identified as a result of multiple partner centre clinical or preclinical studies. EMINENT researchers are acknowledged for their excellence in scientific discovery and translation, evidenced by a number of high impact publications.

Network development


Establish a community of collaborators who share common goals, enthusiasm and vision for experimental medicine research.


Utilize a novel open working relationship between academia and industry to cross-fertilize core expertise and leverage scientific and business skills which enable the development and delivery of new medicines.

  • EMINENT project calls attract a strong pull from top tier academic institutions and researchers.
  • EMINENT projects establish a proven track record of creativity and risk taking to deliver results.
  • EMIMENT projects utilize innovative and agile project management skills to deliver on time and within budget.
  • The EMINENT community share best practice and build effective communication channels to rapidly learn, adjust or adopt optimal approaches to project design and execution.
  • The EMINENT community work across boundaries and organizational institutions and beyond the EMINENT network where required to empower scientists with a strong drive to deliver innovative work.


A cadre of scientific and clinical leaders who work effectively across varied scientific environments adept at managing a wide variety of stakeholders.

Capacity building


Develop a cohort of excellence in experimental medicine, through targeted training for early career scientists and fellows.


Access structured courses within GSK and academic institutions delivering a tailored program enabing EMINENT researchers to grow their technical, professional and leadership capabilities.

  • Partnering with national bodies including the National Institutes of Health Research (NIHR) in England and the Chief Scientist Office in Scotland to build EM capability within the UK
  • Continuous professional development of key skills for translational research and experimental medicine brought forward through innovative early career fellowships and training.

Courses running parallel to active EMINENT projects and including training in clinical pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, innovative early clinical trial design, outcomes based research, statistics/modelling and biomarker discovery and validation.
--- Experimental medicine scientists within GSK provide mentorship for early career fellows
--- Annual research retreat to showcase scientific innovation, and network development and provide an opportunity for pharma partners to provide tailored training in (eg drug discovery and development, regulatory and medical affairs, statistics, business skills encourage network development)
--- Early career fellows gain focussed pharma experience by spending dedicated time blocks within GSK
--- EMINENT academic provide relevant courses available at their institutions which candidates can register for.
--- Programme achievements monitored by an annual summary collated on the number of candidates participating in relevant courses, courses.


A cohort of high caliber scientists and clinician scientists are graduated with higher degrees and equipped with a rich base of knowledge and skills, developed within the unique industrial- academic based research environment of EMINENT. These individuals are able to demonstrate proven ability to implement innovative experimental medicine studies.