

UCL Electrochemical Innovation Lab


EIL Modelling Hub

The EIL Modelling Hub is located at a satellite office slightly off campus, we need access to raw computing power more than lab space. Our core is made up of five PDRAs who are spread across several Faraday Institute and EPSRC projects. As our name suggests the main thrust of our research is computational modelling and methods in electrochemical systems. Stemming from the EIL’s strong foundation in tomography we largely generate image-based models and studies that either accent work of other EIL researchers or form their own research topic individually.
Despite being a relatively ‘young’ part of the EIL, the Modelling Hub combines decades of modelling experience and is quickly establishing itself as a force among UK’s modelling research elite. Partnership with the other world class researchers at the EIL has been a positive force for both the experimentalists and the modelers, greatly improving each other’s impact and expanding the scope of much of the work already being done at the EIL. The Modelling Hub now contributes to a large portion of EIL projects, with many new PhD students visiting early on in their studies to see how modelling can expand their work.