

UCL Department of Economics


UCL Economics in the media

Read the latest expert comment and analysis from UCL Economics researchers in the national and international media.

children in wellies

Professor Pedro Carneiro co-authorsstudy on the medium-run effect of Sure Start on academic outcomes, finding large benefits, particularly for children from disadvantaged backgrounds.

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The Telegraph logo

Although most workers’ earnings are unaffected by technological change, staff aged over 55 are more likely than any other group to lose their jobs to robots.


28 November2022

food bank

Writing alongside three other economists in The Conversation, Professor Morten Ravnargues that to fight the inflation crisis, the government needs targeted policies to help lower income households.


15 August 2022

birdseye view of money in a jar

“The main takeaway is that being able to connect with people from higher SES groups has a strong and important association with upward mobility,” said Professor Sir Richard Blundell


9 August 2022

Marc Stears

UCL Policy Lab Director, Marc Stearson the rise of Liz Truss.


30 July 2022

breastfeeding mother

Breastfeeding for at least three months increases performance in tests of cognitive ability of children from disadvantaged backgrounds.


1 July 2022

mother and baby on the beach

Researchers found exposing a child to sunshine in their first six months of life reduced their chances of obesity


15 June 2022

graphs on a computer

They might not know it yet, and it is likely to pass the rest of us by entirely, but for more than two and half million families, today is a very big day.


9 May2022

pile of coins on banknotes

"It is time to sort out the taxation of [business} income and ensure that rentiers, partners in professional firms and those set up as business owners are at least taxed on the same basis as the rest of us."


11 April2022

Empty supermarket shelves

'We haven’t lived through a period like this perhaps since the oil crisis of 1973. That made us poorer. This crisis will also make us poorer.'


14 March 2022

students working

UCL Visiting Professor and Director of the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) Paul Johnson gives his take on the proposed changes to university fees in the United Kingdom (UK)


28 February 2022

clock on a desk

'Real change will require policy that is consistent over decades.' Visiting Professor and Director of the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) Paul Johnson in The Times on the balance between long-term and short-term policies.


14 February 2022

children in wellies

A trial of transcendental meditation (TM) in two Irish primary schools found that students’ “working memory” improved in a series of tasks after they meditated twice a day for four months featuring research conducted byProfessor Gabriella Conti.


13 February 2022

birdseye view of money in a jar

Professor Paul Johnson considers what HM Treasury civil servants might be advising Rishi Sunak in response to the cost-of-living crisis.


31 January 2022


The ONS predicts 59,000 more deaths than births over the next 10 years in the UK, which could be down to recession of 2008 shocking people into having smaller families, says ProfessorChristian Dustmann.


12 January 2022

pile of coins on banknotes

Professor Morten Ravn, from UCL Economicssays that the UK economy will “continue to lag behind” as “the pandemic is still not under control, UK public debt is high and it will be hard to engineer either a stimulus or a significant tax reform.”


3 January 2022

CORE lecture theatre

Pioneered by UCL Economics Professor Wendy Carlin,“The Economy,” the COREtextbook, is designed for the post-neoliberal age.


8 October 2021

UCL quad at night

UCL Department of Economics was recognised by The Guardian as "...the main driver of UCL’s improvement this year, climbing from 25th to 8th place in a subject with a large student intake, high entry standards and very good career prospects..."


11 September 2021

student holding a sign saying 'does capitalism benefit women?'

This Financial Times article, by Tim Hartford, suggeststhat CORE, by addressing real-world, relevant questions, can make economics as appealing to high-school girls as to boys, helping to solve the gender imbalance in economics.


27 August 2021

COVID-19 road sign

Smarter public spending is key to COVID-19 recovery

Rebuilding the economy and reducing inequality post-Covid will require a massive reorganisation of public spending on work, education and skills issues, according to Professor Sir Richard Blundell.


23 March 2021

row of library books

Economics education is beginning to modernise according to The Economist, whichhighlights therevolutionary COREtextbookwhich"starts with inequality, rather than presenting it as an afterthought". The textbook is produced by CORE, a charity run a by a team of academics from across the world, including UCL Professor Wendy Carlin.


20 March 2021

food bank

Visiting Professor and Director of the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) Paul Johnsonsays that the decision to abruptly end a £20 a week increase in Universal Credit payments is “remarkable” and will be a cliff-edge for many poorer families.


4 March 2021

Urban london street

"The fallout from the pandemic will alter how we think about the economy and public policy" writes Wendy Carlin and Samuel Bowles


March 2021

European Union Flag

While Thatcherism is credited with changing Britain’s economic trajectory in the 1980s, research by ProfessorNauro Campos argues UK's entry into the EEC (now the EU) in 1973 was at least as important.


16 January 2021