

UCL Department of Economics


Department of Economics Professor Wendy Carlin presents on the CORE project at the Bank of England

6 March 2020

Professor Wendy Carlin presented at the Bank of England last week at the CORE Symposium ‘Economics Education for a Public Purpose’

Carlin Bank of England

Last week on 26 February Professor Wendy Carlin presented at the CORE Symposium at the Bank of England. The symposium, titled ‘Economics Education for a Public Purpose’, focused on the CORE ’s pioneering open access resources for economics education, what the project has achieved so far and what comes next.

Wendy Carlin, as project director at CORE, told the audience a key aim for the future of the project is to encourage more student participant in economics: “We want more curious students to create a stronger democracy, and better policies.” Further details of highlights from the day are covered on the CORE website blog, linked below.

aims toreform the teaching of economics to address today’s pressing problems – innovation, inequality, environmental sustainability, instability – linking to data and history, and incorporating recent economic research. A global coalition of researchers and teachers is developing free, high-quality, interactive online resources. CORE’s e-book,, is used in instruction in over 300 universities around the world. See alsoԻ.

is Professor of Economics at University College London (UCL) and Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). She is leadingthe CORE project - to reform the undergraduate economics curriculum.
