

UCL Earth Sciences


Dr Emma Nicholson

volcanology, volcanic emissions and geochemical cycles, geohazards and risk, robotics

Associate Professor in Earth SciencesÌý

Emma Nicholson





Associate Professor in Earth SciencesKathleen Lonsdale, 113

Courses Taught:

Director, MSc Geophysical Hazards programme

GEOL0070 Volcanoes, Society and Environment

GEOL0038ÌýResearch Proposal
GEOL0056 Independent Research Project
GEOL 0075ÌýGeophysical Hazards Field Course

GEOL0007 The Earth (contributor)
GEOL0065 Research Methods and Skills (contributor)

Research Group(s):

Volcanology, UCL Hazards Centre

Email Address:

Telephone Number:

emma.nicholson@ucl.ac.uk020 3108 7144 (77144)

Research Summary

Volcanoes release vast quantities of ash, gas, and aerosols into the atmosphere, either during eruptions or throughÌýpersistent open vent outgassing. These emissions pose significant societal, environmental and climatic hazards that operate over a range of timescales from days to decades. My research interests are diverse and interdisciplinary across physical volcanology, geochemistry and petrology, and volcanic hazard assessment, including providing science advice and enhancing field capacity during eruption responses. I seek to understand the magmatic processes and plume dynamics that govern the magnitude and impact of volcanic emissions: from the generation of volcanic ash during explosive eruptions and its transport in the atmosphere, to the geochemical controls on the outgassing of volatile elements and their delivery mechanisms into terrestrialÌýenvironments.

Developing autonomous aerial approaches usingÌýUncrewed Aircraft Systems (‘drones') and ground robotics to investigate physical and chemical processes within otherwise inaccessibleÌývolcanic plumes, as well as in remote regions such as the Canadian Arctic, is centralÌýto my research strategy.

You can follow my research and field expeditions on Instagram and Twitter .

Current research topics

Volcanism along the South Sandwich volcanic arc

Mt Michael, Saunders Island, is a classic open vent volcano and currently the most active volcanic systemÌýin the South Sandwich volcanic arc. Image takenÌýJanuary 2020.

The enigmatic volcanoes of the sub-Antarctic South Sandwich IslandsÌýhold important clues to the role of crustal thickness and subducted sediment supply on volatile recycling and chalcophile metal systematics in immature arc settings.ÌýTheÌýdevelopment of the South Sandwich volcanic arc over the past 10 million years has been closely linked with the formation of the Drake Passage, making this one of the youngest known volcanic arcs on Earth and therefore one of the most critical for understanding the early stages of arc geochemical evolution. The underlying crustÌýis also exceptionally thin compared to arcs globally, consistent with its young age and extensional regime due to back-arc spreading. Satellite and in situ observations reveal persistent outgassing, punctuated by sporadic explosive emissions, is common to many South Sandwich volcanoes—particularly Mt Michael (Saunders Island), an archetypal open vent volcano. This research avenue stems from an expedition to the arc in early 2020Ìýand the first results were published in .Ìý

The project ENDEAVOUR: Environmental Impacts of Degassing and Eruptive Activity at VolcanoesÌýalong the South Sandwich Arc is supported by a National Geographic Explorer Grant. You can read about the project here, and the field expedition is now available as a feature length National Geographic Explorer documentaryÌý, streaming on Disney+ and the NG Channel.

Trace element emissions from open vent volcanoes and effusive eruptions

Volcanoes emit large quantities of volatile trace elements to the atmosphere and surface environment, particularly during prolonged fissure eruptions. The trace element fingerprints of volcanic plumes provide fundamental insights into magmatic processes, such as sulfide saturation and degassing, and secondary processes such as lava-seawater interaction. Many volatile trace elements are also classified as environmental pollutants and therefore present a range of environmental hazards—particularly to air and water quality—with consequent impacts for health and agricultural practices within local communities.ÌýVolcanoes in different tectonic settings emit very different ‘fingerprints’ of metals and metalloids, related to factors such as oxidation state and initial volatile content (). Measurements of at-source and downwind plumes during the 2018 eruption of Kilauea, Hawai’i, revealed important aspects of how volcanic metals and metallioidsÌýbehave in the atmosphere, and the processes that cause their deposition. These results were published in Communications Earth & Environment: and .

ABOVE: Aerial Observations of Volcanic Emissions

Measuring the gas chemistry at Manam volcano, Papua New Guinea, using an instrumented fixed-wing drone flying at 2000 m altitude.

Volcanic emissions are central to many global geochemical cycles. The chemical and isotopic compositions of volcanic emissions provide important insights into the source(s) of emitted volatiles (i.e., mantle, crust, or slab-derived), as well as real-time indications of the conditions of magma storage and degassing.ÌýMeasurements of volcanic gases at the surface are therefore critical to both volcano monitoring and to the robust quantification of global volatile budgets, and yet, volatile emissions to the atmosphere remain highly uncertain at many volcanic systems. Aerial measurements of volcanic gases using uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) transform our ability to measure and monitor plumes remotely and to constrain global volatile fluxes from volcanoes.ÌýABOVEÌýwas an international interdisciplinary project across Earth Sciences and Engineering, as part of the Deep Cartbon Observatory,Ìýto develop long-range drone strategies that enable gas measurements at inaccessible, strongly degassing volcanoes (2018-2020).ÌýThis project involved more than thirty collaborators from nineÌýdifferent countries: USA, UK, Italy, Sweden, Costa Rica, New Zealand, Germany and the Rabaul Volcanological Observatory in Papua New Guinea. Our findings were published in , Ìýand .

You can find out more about the project and our expedition in the 20-min documentary film —you can view the trailer below.

Vimeo Widget Placeholder
