

Dementia Research Centre


What do trials involve?

Most clinical trials involve a number of visits to our clinic to measure the safety and effects of the drug over time.

The studies can last from six months to five years. In addition, some studies then ‘extend’ to an ‘open-label’ period, where all participants are offered the opportunity to take the active drug (i.e. there are no placebos) for a further period of time.

Before you enter the trial, there may be screening phone calls and visits to ascertain whether you fulfil all the criteria required for the study. The number of overall visits and the flexibility of timings will often depend on the particular study: most trials have specific time windows that determine when certain visits take place. At a minimum, all trials will involve answering questions about your memory and thinking, as well as a clinical examination with a doctor. Additional tests may include blood tests, MRI brain scans, PET brain scans and lumbar punctures. Many trials require you to bring a study partner with you – this should be a person who knows you well, and who may be asked questions about your general health, memory and thinking.

Travel, costs and accommodation

As a participant in a clinical trial, you may be asked to make a number of visits to our research facilities in Queen Square and sometimes other locations in London. During that time, you will see several research staff on a prearranged schedule, with plenty of time for breaks. The Dementia Research Centre would pay for, and/or book your travel (and travel for the person accompanying you), and reimburse you for the cost of meals and refreshments during your visit. Some trials may require you to attend the Dementia Research Centre for two consecutive days. In this case, we would make arrangements for you and the person accompanying you to stay in a nearby hotel if this is more convenient for you; the costs of the hotel stay would be covered.

If you would like more information about taking part in our clinical trials, please email drctrialenquiries@ucl.ac.uk, or call +44 (0)20 3448 3105.