

The Constitution Unit


New Constitution Unit Website

14 September 2010


We are pleased to present a brand new Constitution Unit website. We've been developing the site over the last few months to make our information more accessible to users. It's a big improvement and we hope you enjoy exploring it.

We have redesigned the interface with navigation buttons across the top of the screen and related links down the right hand sidebar. The breadcrumb trail will also help with navigation so getting round the site is straightforward and logical. We have also included many more images and made it more interactive with video content so it's also a little easier on the eye!

The content is similar to our previous site with current research projects listed and previous ones in an archive. Quicklinks to individual projects are available within the bottom panel. We have, however, included some new content you might be interested in:

Please note there is a feedback form for any complaints, comments and suggestions:

The new website has taken a good few months to develop, and the Unit would like to thank Stephen Thomson in particular and for his knowledge and patience. Your help is much appreciated.