



Personal Website Guidelines

Each page on your website should be designed to convey some information and to entertain/engage the reader (if only through an attractive design).  Think about what information you want to convey on each page that you create.  That information should be easy to gather and this usually means using a simple, uncluttered design.


It is seldom an enjoyable experience to wade through lengthy paragraphs of text on a website.  Keep your text brief and make sure it is written in plain English.  (If you want to add pages in a foreign language please provided a translation for us and your external examiner.)  Please do not use text in very small fonts, or those that are barely visible against the background colours of the page. 


If you are using images that have some particular scientific meaning (rather than images used simply for entertainment value), don't forget to add a line or two of explanation.  Also, try to avoid red-green combinations that might be a problem for people who are colour-blind.


A common problem with many websites is the difficulty in finding information, even when you know it should be there.  Try to make sure your website is easy to navigate (i.e., it should be obvious to the uninitiated what page will contain the information they are looking for).


Another common problem is broken links.  Make sure the links you supply work correctly.


Even though there are major efforts to standardise the formatting of web pages, creating a web page that looks good in one browser will still not guarantee that it looks good in another.  Try to check your website in at least two browsers (e.g. Safari and Firefox or Internet Explorer).

Browser display 

Part of the purpose of your web site is to make your work available to the external examiner. Please make sure that you have your work uploaded. A basic web site will have links to your Case Presentations and a place-holder for your Summer Project, which will be uploaded there once completed. In addition, there should be some basic information about you; if you wanted to elaborate on this, which would be preferable, it might have links to your Code (perhaps for Case Presentations or the Programming Task), and also a PDF of your poster. You could expand it further if you wanted to, although this isn't mandatory, by adding other information about Plymouth or yourself; perhaps including links to sites of interest.


These days there are large efforts to make websites more accessible to the disabled.  The occasional bonus point will be on offer if you have good accessibility, e.g. if the browsers zoom functions work well on your website.


Finally, please note that your text may be subjected to plagiarism checks via Turnitin.  Plagiarism and all other forms of research misconduct will not be tolerated in any form and at all times students must abide by the .