

UCL Department of Chemical Engineering


Simona Migliozzi

Simona received both the degrees in Chemical Engineering and MSc in Chemical Engineering with honour from the Polytechnic School of Naples “Federico II” in 2013 and 2016 respectively. Her early research experience is in the field of fluidization, specifically on experimental characterisation of hydrodynamics and heat transfer in compartmented fluidized beds for concentrated solar power applications. After the MSc degree she worked as a fellow Researcher at the Combustion Research Institute of the National Research Council (Italy) on CFD modelling of absorption processes in super absorbent polymers.

She joined ThAMeS Multiphase Research Group in 2016 to start her PhD with the Supervision of Dr. Luca Mazzei and Prof. Panagiota Angeli. The main aim of her project is to develop and investigate a new in-line process for the manufacturing of a novel formulation of non-aqueous oral care products introduced in recent years by GSK. Her research focuses on both the rheological characterisation of soft materials and study of complex flows of non-Newtonian fluids using optical experimental techniques such as Laser Induced Fluorescence and CFD modelling.


PhD Student

Dept of Chemical Engineering 
Faculty of Engineering Science
Joined UCL
    1st Sep 2016


Polytechnic School of Naples "Federico II"
MSc Chemical Engineering | 2016