

UCL Department of Biochemical Engineering


“Natural transaminase fusions for biocatalysis” published in RSC Advances

21 February 2024

Novel enzymes and enzyme combinations enable the production of new and complex compounds. Natural multifunctional enzymes represent a part of multi-step biosynthetic pathways that ensure a one-way flux of reactants showing great potential for industrial applications.

Dr Luba Prout

Dr Luba Prout, a Researcher at ʼһ Biochemical Engineering, along with Prof. Helen Hailes and Prof. John Ward, have just been published in The Royal Society of Chemistry Advances publications.

"Biocatalytic or enzymatic methods for creating complex chemicals offer advantages over traditional chemical methods. They can turn simple, inexpensive materials into complex ones using mild conditions, rather than the harsh conditions often required by chemical approaches. While many enzymes with diverse functions have been found and used for this, they usually work best in their natural environments. Using them alone in different settings might not be as effective. However, the use of multi-functional enzymes, which can handle multiple steps in one process, can be very efficient, often more so than using individual enzymes separately.

This research highlights the discovery and analysis of a unique enzyme fusion that enables the transformation of a complex molecule (ACP-polyketide intermediate) into an aldehyde and subsequently into an amine through a two-step reaction." Dr Luba Prout, February 2024

Luba is a postdoctoral research fellow at ʼһ, focusing on biodegradable and pro-oxidant additive containing (PAC) plastics. Her current work explores the impact of these plastics on the soil microbiome and includes identifying and utilising organisms and enzymes capable of plastic degradation.

You can find out more about Luba’s research by joining us online for her Engineering Virtual Taster Lecture - Biodegradability & The Impact Of Plastics On Microbiomes, taking place on 25 March.

Sign up for Luba's Virtual Taster Lecture here

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