

UCL Department of Biochemical Engineering


MSc Students Visit to London Gene Therapy Vector Facility

23 March 2023

The 2022/23 cohort for the Manufacture and Commercialisation of Stem Cell and Gene Therapies MSc course enjoyed an informative and fun visit to the Kings College London Gene Therapy Vector Facility (GTVF) on Tuesday 21st March 2023.

Manufacture and Commercialisation of Stem Cell and Gene Therapies MSc industrial visit

The GTVF is one of the main suppliers of GMP-grade viral vectors for the delivery of gene therapies for clinical trials across Europe. We were provided with a comprehensive tour of the GMP clean rooms for viral vector manufacturing that are currently under construction at the GTVF. This site visit was planned to coincide with one of the main assessments on the MSc course, the development of a business plan for commercialisation of a gene or cell therapy (C&GT), a manufacturing CDMO or technology.

The detailed roundtable discussions which accompanied the tour were focused on understanding the quality control and quality assurance strategies that the GTVF had in place to maintain the critical quality attributes of their viral vector products. Marketing and risk mitigation strategies as well as future plans for scaling up of GTVF manufacturing approaches were also key discussion points. A primary feature of the C&GT MSc course is to immerse our students in real-world experiences of C&GT development and application. The company visits that run in parallel with C&GT manufacturing and commercialisation modules provided on the course, facilitate this immersive experience.

