

Bentham Project


Articles S

  • Sandoval Arango, Cristina (2008) "L'Inghilterra di Bentham in Colombia,"Revista Historia y Sociedad14: 143-74
  • Sanín Fonnegra, Javier (2002) "Bentham: una arista de la polémica entre santanderistas y bolivarianos," in Sanín Fonnegraet al.(2002): 7-12
  • Sauri, J. J. (2001) "Pritchard, Bentham y la locura moral,"Acta psiquiatrica y psicologica de America Latina47: 359-65
  • Scarre, Geoffrey (2003) "Corporal punishment,"Ethical theory and moral practice6: 295-316
  • Schauer, Frederick (2011) ‘Bentham on Presumed Offences’, Utilitas, 23:4, pp. 363-379.
  • Schauer, Frederick (2015) ‘The Path-Dependence of Legal Positivism’, Virginia Law Review, 101:4, pp. 957-976.
  • Schmid, M. (2004) "The masquerade of the guilty: The mask game in Bentham's Panopticon,"Laval théologique et philosophique60: 543-556
  • Schofield, Philip (1990) "Bentham on Public Opinion and the Press," in D. Kingsford-Smith and D. Oliver (eds.),Economical with the Truth: The Law and the Media in Modern Society(Oxford: ESC Publishing): 95-108
  • Schofield, Philip (1991) "Jeremy Bentham and Nineteenth-Century English Jurisprudence,"Journal of Legal History12: 58-88; reprinted in Parekh (ed.) (1993) 3: 184-214
  • Schofield, Philip (1991-2) "The Constitutional Code of Jeremy Bentham,"King's College Law Journal2: 40-62
  • Schofield, Philip (1995) "'Professing Liberal Opinions': The Common Law, Adjudication and Security in Recent Bentham Scholarship,"Journal of Legal History16: 350-67
  • Schofield, Philip (1996) "Bentham and the Identification of Interests,"Utilitas8: 223-34; reprinted in Postema (ed.) (2002) 1: 435-46
  • Schofield, Philip (1996) "Jeremy Bentham and Political Corruption: A Critique of the First Report of the Nolan Committee,"Current Legal Problems49.2: 395-416
  • Schofield, Philip (1996) "Utilitarian Politics and Legal Positivism: The Rejection of Contractarianism in Early Utilitarian Thought," in Guest (ed.) (1996): 99-118
  • Schofield, Philip (1998) "Jeremy Bentham: Legal Philosopher and Political Reformer," in Fuller (ed.) (1998): 1-4
  • Schofield, Philip (1998) "Jeremy Bentham: Legislator of the World," in Freeman (ed.) (1998) (Current Legal Problems51): 115-47; reprinted in Postema (ed.) (2002) 2: 483-515
  • Schofield, Philip (1999) "Political and Religious Radicalism in the Thought of Jeremy Bentham,"History of Political Thought20: 272-91
  • Schofield, Philip (2000) "La arquitectura del gobierno: publicidad, responsabilidad y democracia representativa en Jeremy Bentham,"Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez34: 145-69
  • Schofield, Philip (2002) "Jeremy Bentham: Historical Importance and Contemporary Relevance," in Sanín Fonnegraet al.(2002): 51-77; Spanish translation "Jeremy Bentham: importancia histórica y relevencia contemporánea," inibid.: 21-49
  • Schofield, Philip (2002) "'Un genio para la legislacion': La perdurable atraccion del pensamiento legal y politico de Jeremy Bentham,"Universitas Philosophica39: 49-78
  • Schofield, Philip (2003) "Jeremy Bentham, The Principle of Utility, and Legal Positivism,"Current Legal Problems56: 1-39
  • Schofield, Philip (2003) "Jeremy Bentham's 'Nonsense upon Stilts,'"Utilitas15: 1-26
  • Schofield, Philip (2004) "The French Revolution and Political Radicalism,"History of European Ideas30: 381-401
  • Schofield, Philip (2009) "Werner Stark and Jeremy Bentham's Economic Writings,"History of European Ideas35: 475-94
  • Schofield, Philip (2011) ‘Jeremy Bentham and the British intellectual response to the French Revolution’, Journal of Bentham Studies, 13:1, pp. 1-27.
  • Schofield, Philip (2013) ‘The Legal and Political Legacy of Jeremy Bentham’, Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 9, pp. 51-70
  • Schofield, Philip (2015) ‘Jeremy Bentham on Utility and Truth’, History of European Ideas, 23:1, pp. 1-18.
  • Schofield, Philip (2018) ‘The “Least Repulsive” work on a “Repulsive Subject”: Jeremy Bentham on William Blackstone’s “Commentaries on the Laws of England”, in A. Page and W. Prest (eds), Blackstone and his Critics (Hart Publishing), pp. 23-40.
  • Schuessler, Rudolf (1991) "Interests According to Long,"Rationality and Society3: 503-5
  • Schwartz, Pedro and Carlos Rodríguez Braun (1992) "Bentham on Spanish Protectionism,"Utilitas4: 121-32
  • Schwartz, Pedro and Carlos Rodríguez Braun (1992) "Las relaciones entre Jeremias Bentham y S. Bolivar,"Télos1: 45-68
  • Schwartzberg, M. (2007) "Jeremy Bentham on Fallibility and Infallibility,"Journal of the History of Ideas68: 563-586
  • Screpanti, Ernesto and Stefano Zamagni (2005)"The Laissez-Faire Revolution and Smithian Economics,"An Outline of the History of Economic Thought39: 54-90.
  • Secor, Marie J. (1989) "Bentham's 'Book of Fallacies': Rhetorician in Spite of Himself,"Philosophy and Rhetoric22: 83-94
  • Semple, Janet (1990) "No Slops for Bentham: The Story of a Prison Scheme That Failed,"The Independent, 7 May 1990: 15
  • Semple, Janet (1992) "Foucault and Bentham: A Defence of Panopticism,"Utilitas4: 105-20
  • Semple, Janet (1993) "Bentham's Utilitarianism and the Provision of Medical Care," in Dorothy Porter and Roy Porter (eds.)Doctors, Politics, and Society: Historical Essays(Amsterdam: Rodopi): 30-45
  • Sen, Amartya (1991) "Utility: Ideas and Terminology,"Economics and Philosophy7: 277-83
  • Shafiqul Alam, M. (1995) "Bentham's Social and Political Thoughts: A Brief Account,"Indian Philosophical Quarterly22 (supplement): 5-15
  • Shopov, K. and V. Buzov (1993) "Filosofiia i logika na pravoto v utilitarizma na Jeremy Bentham,"Pravna Misul34: 85-94
  • Shusterman, Ronald (2005) "Thinking by numbers; or, Cultural memory after the 'end' of art,"Real21: 365-78
  • Sigot, N. (2009) "Le panoptique des pauvres - Jeremy Bentham et la reforme de l'assistance en Angleterre,"European Journal of the History of Economic Thought16: 380-4
  • Sigot, Nathalie (1993) "'Be Quiet', mai modérément: le rôle de l'État dans la pensée économique de Bentham,"Revue Economique44: 23-49
  • Sigot, Nathalie (1993) "Les principes d'un système monétaire sain selon Bentham,"Cahiers d'Economie Politique32: 117-40
  • Sigot, Nathalie (1996) "Jeremy Bentham on Private and Public Wages and Employment: The Civil Servants, the Poor, and the Indigent," in Laurence S. Moss (ed.)Joseph A. Schumpeter, Historian of Economics: Perspectives on the History of Economic Thought(London: Routledge): 196-218
  • Sigot, Nathalie (1998) "Les principes d'un systeme monetaire sain selon Bentham,"Cahiers d'Economie Politique32: 117-40
  • Sigot, Nathalie (1999) "A Note on Hollander's 'Notes on a Possible Bentham Manuscript: a Mystery Unresolved,'"Cambridge Journal of Economics23: 371-8
  • Sigot, Nathalie (1999) "Art et science chez Bentham,"Social Science Information/Information sur les sciences sociales38: 575-89
  • Sigot, Nathalie (1999) "Bentham et les utilitaristes," in P. Denizot and C. Revauger (eds.) (1999)Pauvreté et assistance en Grande Bretagne, 1688-1834(Aix-en-Provence: Publications de l'Université de Provence): 253-73
  • Sigot, Nathalie (2001) "Bentham and the Classical Canon," in Evelyn L. Forget and Sandra Peart (eds.)Reflections on the Classical Canon in economics: Essays in honor of Samuel Hollander(London and New York: Routledge): 43-56
  • Sigot, Nathalie (2001) "Elie Halévy'sLa formation du radicalisme philosophiqueand Bentham's Utilitarianism"History of Economic Ideas9: 113-31
  • Sigot, Nathalie (2002) "Jevons's Debt to Bentham: Mathematical Economy, Morals and Psychology,"The Manchester School70: 262-78
  • Sigot, Nathalie (2009) "Bentham's way to democracy,"History of European Ideas35: 112-15
  • Sigot, Nathalie (2016) ‘An Activist Stance: The 1828 French Translation of Jeremy Bentham’s Defence of Usury’, History of Political Economy, 48:4, pp. 705-731.
  • Sittala, R. (1990) "Punishment, Discipline and the Age of Reason: Enlightenment Philosophy on Punishment, especially in light of Jeremy Bentham's 'Panopticon,'" in Campbell (ed.) (1990): 124-38
  • Slipko, Tadeusz (2004) "Deontologia. Jej dzieje i miejsce w systemach etycznych,"Studia philosophiae christianae40: 83-97 (In Polish, summary in English)
  • Soble, A. (2009) "A history of erotic philosophy,"Journal of Sex Research46: 104-120
  • Sokol, Mary (1992) "Jeremy Bentham and the Real Property Commission of 1828,"Utilitas4: 225-45
  • Sokol, Mary (1994) "Bentham and Blackstone on Incorporeal Hereditaments,"Journal of Legal History15: 287-305
  • Sokol, Mary (2002) "Bentham Reviewed" (review article),Journal of Legal History23: 69-76
  • Sokol, Mary (2009) "Blackstone and Bentham on the Law of Marriage," in Wilfrid Prest (ed.),Blackstone and his Commentaries: Biography, Law, History(Oxford and Portland, OR: Hart Publishing): 91-110
  • Sokol, Mary (2009) "Jeremy Bentham on Love and Marriage: A Utilitarian Proposal for Short-Term Marriage," Journal of Legal History30: 1-21
  • Soubotnik, M. A. (1992) "Le tissu de la fiction: approche de Bentham,"Revue du littoral36
  • Splichal, S.(2003) "Bentham, Kant and the Right to Communicate,"Critical Review15: 285-306
  • Sprigge, T. L. S. (1989) "Utilitarianism and respect for Human Life,"Utilitas1: 1-21
  • Sprigge, T. L. S. (1991) "The Greatest Happiness Principle,"Utilitas3: 37-51
  • Sprigge, T. L. S. (1999) "The Relation Between Bentham's Psychological, and his Ethical, Hedonism,"Utilitas11: 296-319; reprinted in Postema (ed.) (2002) 1: 177-200
  • Stabile, Donald (1996) "Theories of consumption and waste: institutional foreshadowings in classic writings,"Journal of Economic Issues30
  • Stack, David (2011) ‘Bentham and Birth Control: The Misreading’, Journal of Bentham Studies, 13:1, pp. 1-7.
  • Steadman, Philip (2007) "The Contradictions of Jeremy Bentham's Panopticon Penetentiary," Journal of Bentham Studies 9, 26.6.07
  • Steadman, Philip, ‘Samuel Bentham’s Panopticon’, Journal of Bentham Studies, 14:1 (2012), pp. 1-30.
  • Stokes, Peter M. (2001) "Bentham, Dickens, and the Uses of the Workhouse,"Studies in English Literature, 1500-190041: 711-27
  • Stolzenberg, Nomi Maya (1999) "Bentham's Theory of Fictions - A 'Curious Double Language,'"Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature11: 223-61
  • Strowel, A. (1992) "Utilitarisme et approche économique dans la théorie du droit: autour de Bentham et de Posner,"Archives de Philosophie du Droit37: 143-71
  • Strub, H. (1989) "The Theory of Panoptical Control: Bentham's Panopticon and Orwell'sNineteen Eighty-Four,"Journal of the History of the Behavioural Sciences25: 40-59
  • Struve, Laura (2008) "'This Is No Way to Tell a Story' Robert Browning's Attack on the Law in the Ring and the Book,"Law & Literature20: 423-43
  • Stuckemann, Frank (2003) "Utilitarismus in Satire und Praxis: Swift's A Modest Proposal und Bentham's Auto-Icon im Vergleich,"Germanisch Romanische Monatsschrift53: 309-19
  • Sturn, Richard (2004) "The sceptic as an economist's philosopher? Humean utility as a positive principle,"The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought11: 345-375
  • Sullivan, Robert R. (1994) "Enlightenment, Autonomy, the Law, and Jeremy Bentham's Pannomium,"Legal Studies Forum18: 163-176
  • Sullivan, Robert R. (1996) "The birth of the prison: Discipline or punish?," Journal of Criminal Justice 24: 449-458 <
  • Sumner, L.W. (1992) "Welfare, Happiness, and Pleasure,"Utilitas4: 199-223; reprinted in Postema (ed.) (2002) 1: 103-27
  • Sweet, Nanora (2002) "Felicia Hemans' 'A Tale of the Secret Tribunal': Gothic Empire in the Age of Jeremy Bentham and Walter Scott,"European Journal of English Studies6: 159-71