

Bentham Project


Event One: Bentham and UCL   May 12th 6.30pm - 9pm

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Bentham's principles contributed to the foundation of the University of London, later UCL, in 1826. Born and raised in London, Bentham lived his whole life in the city and later helped to shape its educational future. At this evening event Bentham scholars and local historians will discuss Bentham, Georgian London, and the history of UCL. Talks will be followed by informal discussion, refreshments and a visit to Bentham's Auto-Icon.

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Featuring talks by:

  • Lucy Inglis, award-winning blogger
  • Mike Paterson, Director of

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Date and Time:

May 12th 6.30pm - 9pm


Bentham House, Faculty of Laws, UCL

4-8 Endsleigh Gardens

London WC1H 0EG

How to find us

This event is open to the public. Tickets are FREE OF CHARGE and are available from . Please note that places are limited. 

Some tickets have been reserved for members of London Historians. Members should for more information.

This event is run by the Bentham Project as part of : an exciting new public engagement initiative to bring together academic and amateur historians and raise awareness of the life and work of Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832). Funded by a the project consists of three events aimed at situating UCL more firmly within the local community. The events will take place in May during the .