

UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose


Central banks and climate change

IIPP is working on a project examining how central banks can align monetary policy and financial regulation to better meet the challenge of climate change and the transition to a low carbon economy.

Federal Reserve Board building - image public domain

13 December 2017

IIPP will be working on a new project examining how to shift monetary policy and the money and credit system on to a more ecologically sustainable trajectory. The project is in collaboration with two think tanks, the UK based and the Swiss . It is funded by .

The project will focus on building an international community of experts from central banks and financial regulators, expanding the relevant knowledge base, and promoting recommendations for monetary policy change via working papers and reports. Key policy topics include developing the idea of green capital requirements for banks, green patient finance, green collateral lines and ‘green quantitative easing’.

Dr Josh Ryan-Collins, Senior Research Associate at IIPP, will be leading IIPP’s involvement in the work.