

UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose


Sarah Albala

Sarah Albala is a Policy Fellow in Public Value and Policy Evaluation at the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP).

Sarah Albala
Sarah’s work is focussed on assessing and understanding the conditions behind dynamic social policy evaluation practices and methodologies. Her critical lens stems from her insight as an academic researcher. Her various projects at IIPP often entail developing academic theories and methods concerning evidence production and dissemination, and creating novel policy evaluation frameworks. Her multi-system level thinking has encouraged a work stream that seeks to identify and highlight models of evaluation practices that will best capture and support policy impact.

Her main project, which is funded by the Department for International Development (DFID), seeks to propose a re-oriented framework that will best capture and make transparent the overall social and economic value that is produced when the public sector invests in assistive health technologies. As part of this grant, she has also produced research for the WHO Global Research, Innovation, and Education in Assistive Technology (GREAT) Summit. Her interest in the area of dynamic policy evaluation can also be noted by her contributions to a policy report issued by BEIS, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, which examined state of the art practices in policy evaluation methodologies, as well as her work with the BBC on creating an evaluation framework to best capture dynamic public value and market shaping effects.

She is joining IIPP after working within the Health Policy Department at the London School of Economics and Political Science where she took part in a variety of health economic and health policy research projects. Her outputs at the LSE included the creation of a policy framework to evaluate anti-microbial resistance governance throughout the European Union and a Lancet series paper on how to best digitise the NHS. Sarah has conducted research on health systems around the world, including Tanzania, Ghana, Moldova and Grenada, where she collaborated with international organisations, government ministries, and community participants.

Selected publications

Academic working papers

Albala, S., et al. (2019).  AT2030 Working Paper Series.Â