

UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose


Martha McPherson

Martha McPherson is a Policy Associate at the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP).

Martha McPherson
Martha is sustainability lead at corporate consultancy Design Portfolio. She was formally Head of Green Economy and Sustainable Growth at IIPP, and her role involved co-ordinating IIPP's research and policy engagement activity on the transition to a sustainable, climate-resilient green economy. 

Whilst at IIPP she oversaw the institute's work on green industrial and innovation policy and green new deals; local, regional and urban green innovation; the Just Transition; and climate-aligned finance and led IIPP's work with EIT Climate-KIC, including the PUFFIN, PELICAN, Emilia-Romagna, Transformative Governance and iParadigm projects. She also co-ordinated the Camden Renewal Commission along with the co-chairs and other team members. 

Martha joined UCL in 2018 from her Master’s in International Energy at Sciences Po in Paris, writing her research thesis on European institutional investment in renewable energy. Prior this, Martha worked in strategic consulting and communications. She acts as a trustee for governance and diversity charity Getting on Board. 

Selected publications

Policy briefs
  • by Martha McPherson and Nick Kamber
  • by Martha McPherson and Kate Roll
  • by Katie Kedward, Martha McPherson and Ria Sen
  •  by Martha McPherson
  • by Mariana Mazzucato and Martha McPherson
  •  by Mariana Mazzucato, George Dibb and Martha McPherson
  •  by Martha McPherson
In the media
  • (Prospect magazine) by Martha McPherson
  • (Times Higher Education) by Martha McPherson and Kate Roll
  • (LSE blog) by Katie Kedward, Martha McPherson and Ria Sen
  •  (New Statesman) by Mariana Mazzucato and Martha McPherson