

The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction


Centre for Organisational Network Analysis

CONA brings together the fields of organisational design and social network analysis in research that enhance how organisations and their people work.

UCL Centre for Organisational Network Analysis


CONA conducts research on organisational design and the future of work using social network theory to inform our understanding of organisations. We aim to improve organisations effectiveness, as well as help them address inequalities in the workplace.

Our vision is that by deepening our understanding of organisations’ functioning we can help them prepare for the challenges ahead in terms of sustainability, inequality, and the future of work. We provide research, training, knowledge transfer and consultancy.

There is a great deal of work published dealing with theory and method in network analysis. Many commercial practitioners limit the scope of what they can offer, seeing organisational network analysis as too complex for them to use to solve their clients’ problems in structuring and managing their organisations. We, however, have the expertise and experience to serve the needs of multi-national and public organisations, as well as SMEs and independent groups.

Organisational network analysis can help organisations design more effective organisational systems to provide effective communication networks, optimise contractual arrangements, as well as identify appropriate incentives programmes to aid unit and firm performance.



Song, E. Y., Vernet, A., & Pryke, S. (2022). In Women we Trust? Gender-Status Mismatch and Trust in Professional Networks.Gender & Society,36(6), 869–894.

Galera‐Zarco, C., Opazo‐Basáez, M., Marić, J., & García‐Feijoo, M. (2020). Digitalization and the inception of concentric strategic alliances: A case study in the retailing sector.Strategic Change,29(2), 165-177.

Schroeder, A., Ziaee Bigdeli, A., Galera-Zarco, C., & Baines, T. (2019). Capturing the benefits of industry 4.0: a business network perspective.Production Planning & Control,30(16), 1305-1321.

Miraldo, M., Hauck, K., Vernet, A., Wheelock, A. (2019). Variations in the Adoption of Healthcare Innovation? A Literature Review. Oxford Encyclopedia of Health Economics. Oxford University Press. doi:

Opsahl, Tore; Vernet, Antoine; Al-Nuaimi, Tufool; George, Gerard, (2017) “Revisiting the Small-World Phenomenon: Efficiency Variation and Classification of Small-World Networks”, Organizational Research Methods, 20:1, 149-173. doi:

Managing Networks in Project-Based Organisations(2017)
Former CONA Director Dr Stephen Pryke’s book providesproject managers and students withessential knowledge of innovativeapplications of social network analysis (SNA) for observing, analysing, and managing complex projects. The book demonstrates how the principles of social network analysis can be used to provide a smarter, more efficient, holistic approach to managing complex projects.

Evaluation ofcollaborative teams for complex infrastructure projects through Social Network Analysis(2017)
Thisreport on understanding the behaviour of collaborative networks engaging in highly complex major infrastructure projects throughsocial network analysis was developed through awith.
Download the publication[pdf, 3.78MB]orfind out more about this research project

Pryke, S, Badi, S, Almadhoob, H, Soundararaj, B, and Addyman, S (2018)

Project Management Journal, 49(2), 18-41

Badi, S, Wang, L, and Pryke, S (2017)

Industrial Marketing Management, 60, 204-218

Pryke,S, Badi, S, and Bygballe, L (2017).

Construction Management and Economics, 35(8-9): 445-454

Shepherd, RK and Pryke, SD (2014)

European Management Journal, 32(4), 616-624

Case studies

These case studies consider how ONA can be used to address business needs for a range of different clients, and outline the potential benefits of integrating ONA into business processes.


The Centre for Organisational Network Analysis is directed by Dr Antoine Vernet. The Centre was foundedby Professor Stephen Pryke who was its first director. Faculty researchers and PhD students, with specialisms across a range of sectors, including construction and transport both in the UK and internationally, contribute to CONA's research projects.

Dr Antoine Vernet

Antoine is the Director of CONA. He is an Associate Professor in Management at the Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction and programme leader of the MSc in Strategic Management of Projects. His research focuses on how organisational design and social networks influence behaviour and decisions in organisation. Another area of interest are workplace inequalities.

View Antoine's profile

Dr Carlos Galera Zarco

Carlos is a lecturer in Project Management and Business Analytics at the Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction. He is part of the academic staff of the MSc Digital Engineering Management. His interests revolve around operational changes and new organizational forms in the digital economy. More broadly, he is interested in the challenges and opportunities that data are creating for both organisations and clients. Likewise, his research tries to shed light on data-driven organisational design.

View Carlo’s profile

Tom Rose

Tom is a doctoral researcher at CONA. His PhD research explores the interaction dynamics between formal organisational structures and the informal networks which emerge as a response to them. His research focuses on how these dynamics can be used to dynamically manage organisations for effective hybrid working practices, both on a local and global level within organisations.

Tom is also the founder of the consultancy , which offers a range of analytical and business management services to improve employee experience and engagement, underpinned by expertise in organisational design and behaviour, and network science.


Professor Stephen Pryke

Stephen was Emeritus Professor ofSupply Chain and Project Networks at The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction. His main research interests involved supply chain management and the application of social network analysis in the study of construction project networks.