

The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction


Front Gardens: Good for you, your street and the planet

front gardens streetscape

Flash floods….heatwaves…headlineswhichare becomingincreasinglyfamiliar.

If you could do one thing to improve the situation in your street, wouldyoudo it?

The good news is that we can all do something to help - by planting more, especially in the front of our homes. One garden won’t change the world butevery onehelps. Even a few plants in a small space can help.

Click on theǰ have a look at the e-leaflet to find out more. 

Green Fronts research funded by UCL Health of the Public.For more information, please contact Dr Niamh Murtaghǰ Dr Rachael Frost.

More liveable streets and cities

Gardens allow a city to ‘sweat’and an overgrown shrubbery provides better conditions for bugs than a neat lawn. There are many ways in which gardens make a city more liveable. “If you own a garden, you own one part of the solution to creating liveable and sustainable cities”, according to Karen Christensen-Dalsgaard.

Find out more about the importance of your garden .

What makes gardening good for you?

ponders whether we can identify exactly what makes gardening good for you.

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What can you plant to reduce the risk of flooding?

The rise in paving or tarmac on front gardens is a factor in more severe flooding in recent years. In a heavy downpour, the water has nowhere to go. recommends 4 plants that are great at absorbing water and suggests how to have your own rain garden to reduce the risk of your home being flooded.

What’s the bestdesignfor your front garden?

Front gardens make a first impression for yourvisitors, andchange the face of your street. But for many of us, we need space topark the car. So how can we combine the car and a lovely front garden?

Find ideas on design from the .

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How can gardening help with stress?

The difficulties of the pandemic have taken their toll on everyone and mental issues, including stress, anxiety and depression, have increased. Gardening can help to reduce stress. Astudy on stress hormones found that even a few plants in the front garden can bring benefits.


Murtagh, N. & Frost, R. (2023) Motivations for urban front gardens: a quantitative study. Landscape and Urban Planning. , 104835.

Frost, R. & Murtagh, N. (2023) Encouraging planting in urban front gardens: A focus group study. Perspectives in Public Health. 143(2). DOI: