

History of Art


Dr Emily Floyd


Dr Emily Floyd

Emily C. Floyd is Lecturer in Visual Culture and Art before 1700.Her research focuses on material cultures of religion in the colonial and pre-Columbian Americas, particularly religious print culture in South America. She is interested in the movement, materiality, and agency of objects. She has published on Inca metalwork, silversmith-engravers in colonial Lima, and religion and the digital humanities. She teaches on pre-Columbian and Spanish colonial art and visual culture.

Floyd is Editor and Curator at the Center for the Study of Material and Visual Cultures of Religion (). She is the recipient of the American Catholic Historical Association's John Tracy Ellis Dissertation award and the Denver Art Museum's Alianza-Mayer Fellowship. She has also received residential fellowships from the John Carter Brown, Beinecke, and Lilly Libraries.

Contact Details

Office: G04, 21 Gordon Square
Office Hours: By appointment
+44 (0)20 31084026 (internal 54026)
Email: e.floyd@ucl.ac.uk


Lecturer of Visual Culture and Art History before 1700
Dept of History of Art
Faculty of S&HS


Research Summary

Current research focuses on print culture of the colonial Andes, with a particular interest in the movement of objects and their activation in the hands of their users. Also interested in the relationship between word and image, the depiction of racialized bodies, the intersection of science and religion, and the impact of colonialism on visual culture. Book project on prints made in Lima under contract with University of Texas Press.

Selected Publications

Journal Articles

2023 With Suzanne Stratton-Pruitt. “Juan Francisco Rosa: Engraver to the Elites in Eighteenth-Century Lima.” Print Quarterly 40, no. 1: 33-51.

2021 “Buscando un artista en blanco y negro: identidad y agencia entre grabadores limeños del siglo XVIII/Looking for an Artist in Black and White: Identity and Agency among Eighteenth-Century Engravers in Lima.” Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture 3, no 3: 106-114. doi: 10.1525/lavc.2021.3.3.106

2021 “The Word as Object in Colonial Spanish South America: Juan María de Guevara y Cantos’s Corona de la divinissima María (Lima, 1644).” Material Religion 17, no. 2: 202-227. doi: 10.1080/17432200.2021.1897281

2020 With Ricardo Kusunoki. “The Virgin in Lima: Gregorio Fosman y Medina and the Transatlantic Lives of Printing Plates in the Seventeenth Century.” Print Quarterly 37, no. 4: 432-443.

2018 With Sally Promey. “.” In “Digital Scholarship in the Critical Study of Religion.” Edited by James Bielo, special issue. Religion 48, no. 2: 262-275

2016 “Tears of the Sun: The Naturalistic and Anthropomorphic in Inca Metalwork.” Medium Study. In Conversations: An Online Journal of the Center for the Study of Material and Visual Cultures of Religion at Yale University.

Catalog Essays
2018 “Grabadores-plateros en el virreinato peruano.” In Plata de los Andes, edited by Ricardo Kusunoki Rodríguez and Luis Eduardo Wuffarden, 84-97. Lima: Museo de Arte de Lima.

Chapters in Edited Volumes
2023 “The Brush and the Burin: Copies, Originals, and True Portraits in Juan María de Guevara y Cantos’s Corona de la divinissima María (Lima, 1644).” In Collective Creativity and Artistic Agency in Colonial Latin America, edited by Maya Stanfield-Mazzi and Margarita Vargas-Betancourt. University Press of Florida.

2022 With Meg Bernstein. “Visiting Religious Spaces in the Digital Realm: The MAVCOR Digital Spaces Project in Historical Context.” In Introductions to Digital Humanities: Material Religion, edited by Rachel McBride Lindsey and Emily Clark. DeGruyter.

2021 With Sally Promey. “MAVCOR: Collaborations in Scholarship, Curation, and DigitalMedia.” In Introduction to Digital Humanities: Research Methods for the Study of Religion, edited by Kristian Petersen and Christopher D. Cantwell. DeGruyter.

2019 “Privileging the Local: Prints and the New World in Early Modern Lima.” In A Companion to Early Modern Lima, edited by Emily Engel. Leiden, The Netherlands:
Brill Academic Publishers.

2022 “Book Review of ‘Peru: A Journey through Time.’” Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture.

2022 “Marco Curatola Petrocchi, Cécile Michaud, Joanne Pillsbury, and Lisa Trever, eds. El arte antes de la historia: Para una historia del arte andino antiguo.” caa.reviews

Catalogue Entries
2015 “Virgen del Milagro con donantes.” In La colección Petrus y Verónica Fernandini: El arte de la pintura en los Andes, edited by Ricardo Kusunoki Rodríguez, 98-103. Lima: Museo de Arte de Lima.

2015 “Señor de Vilque.” In La colección Petrus y Verónica Fernandini: El arte de la pintura en los Andes, edited by Ricardo Kusunoki Rodríguez, 132-135. Lima: Museo de Arte de Lima.

2014 “Simon Vouet, St. Sebastian.” In Early Modern Faces: European Portraits 1480-1780, edited by Anne Dunlop, 34-35. New Orleans, LA: Newcomb Art Gallery.

2014 “Paul van Somer, Elizabeth, Viscountess Falkland.” In Early Modern Faces: European Portraits 1480-1780, edited by Anne Dunlop, 48-49. New Orleans, LA: Newcomb Art Gallery.

Teaching and Supervision

PhD Students:
Manuela Portales Sanfuentes:‘Thinking the Ornament: Collecting, Classifying and Displaying Decorative Arts in Latin American Museums’
Daen Palma Huse:‘Transient Visuals: Hand-Held Ephemera in Nineteenth-Century Peru’


Emily C. Floyd is Lecturer of Visual Culture and Art before 1700. She graduated from Smith College with a BA in History of Art and Religious Studies in 2009. She then completed an MAR in Religion and the Arts at the Institute of Sacred Music at Yale University at which time she served as an Associate Editor for Frequencies: an online genealogy of spirituality and began working for the Center for the Study of Material and Visual Cultures of Religion (). She now serves as MAVCOR’s Editor and Curator. Following her MAR from Yale, Floyd went on to study for her PhD in Art History and Latin American Studies at Tulane University, graduating in 2018. In 2018 she joined the History of Art Department at ʼһ.