

History of Art


Object 8


Mercedes Cerón - 'Rational' artists and 'philosophical' dyers: Goya's tapestry cartoons and the interest in optics in late-eighteenth-century Spain

Barnaby Haran - The New Vision in American Photography: Ralph Steiner, Walker Evans, and 'Americanism'

Klara Kemp-Welch - Excursions in Communist reality: Tadeusz Kantor's impossible happenings

Edward Krcma - The truant hand and cinematic drawings in Matisse's Themes and Variations

Joanna Walker - The self-portrait in ruins: tracing the trace in the work of Nancy Spero and Ana Mendieta


Samuel Bibby - Jill Burke, Changing Patrons: Social Identity and the Visual Arts in Renaissance Florence, Pennsylvania, 2004, and Amanda Lillie, Florentine Villas in the Fifteenth Century: An Architectural and Social History, Cambridge and New York, 2005

Kristen Hutchinson - 'Rodney Graham: A little thought', Vancouver, 2005

Liisa Kaakinen - 'Forget me not: photography and remembrance', Bradford, 2005

Philippa Kaina - 'Art in the making: Degas', London, 2004-5

Sergio Martins - Gene Ray (ed.), Joseph Beuys: Mapping the Legacy, New York, 2001

Erica Papernik - 'Tomoko Takahashi: my play-station at the Serpentine', London, 2005

Noëlle Streeton - Eastaugh, Walsh, Chaplin, Siddal (eds), Pigment Compendium, Oxford, 2004