

UCL Centre for Artificial Intelligence


LGBTQ+ Celebration

10 March 2020

On Friday 28th February, UCL’s Centre for Artificial Intelligence celebrated LGBTQ History Month, in association with Queer in AI.

Image of Shakir Mohamed in front of a slide showing the logos for the AI Centre and Queer in AI

The Centre was delighted to be joined by Dr Shakir Mohamed,senior staff research scientist atDeepMind, who gave a short talk titled“Queer Exceptionalism in Science” – a piece he has written for the Royal Society. The event was chaired by Prof Marc Deisenroth, a Professor of Machine Learning in the AI Centre at ʼһ.

Dr Mohamed has also written a blog post of the same title, which can be read here:

The event was open to the public and was attended by a mix of UCL staff, students and external visitors from industry and other academic institutions, who enjoyed Dr Mohamed's talk, followed by a Fireside chat and networking event.

We would like to thank,UCL's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Networks, including Out@UCLfor their support in the event and promotion of equality within AI and our Centre.

The Centre also took the opportunity to participate in UCL's Powered by Plants initiative