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Yvonne Feng, Greener on the other side
Yvonne Feng, Greener on the other side, 2017

Yvonne Feng, Greener on the other side


Current BA/BFA, MA/MFA and PhD students are showing in On the verge at 12 Star Gallery, Europe House, 32 Smith Square, London SW1P 3HF, from 8 - 17 March 2017. See .

Artists taking part: Selis Tutkum Altinok, Merve Basarir, Andrei Costache, Yvonne Feng, Eloise Fornieles, Kim Haarvey, Georgia Lucas-Going, Oliver Martyn, Pietro Moretti, Michael Murphy, Katarzyna Perlak, Bryan Reedy, GintÄ— Regina, Nir Segal, Eleanor Wang