
Slade School of Fine Art
Summer Show September 2021

  1. Winter In The Far Side Of The Moon, Alexis Kyung Joo Jang, 2020, oil on canvas, 200 x 300 cm

    The mysterious side that we have never seen with our naked eyes. The dark side of the Moon, facing away from the Earth, is not visible to us. Just as one's true emotions and faces, concealed to others. The ‘far side’ is only partly visible, and others might imagine what’s on the other side, but the true reality is hidden from them.

    Alexis Kyung Joo Jang

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  2. Untitled, Yage Guo, 2021, oil and graphite on panel, 20 x 25 cm

    ©the artist

    Yage Guo

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  3. 5 Year Plan, Yom Bo Sung, 78 instant noodle packets, receipts, jacket, 18 x 600 x 11 cm

    ©the artist

    Yom Bo Sung

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  4. Untitled, Valentin Rilliet

    ©the artist

    Valentin Rilliet

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  5. Vamp Valley Title Sequence (film still), Zowie Roxanne, 2020

    Zowie Roxanne

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  6. End to Continual Cycles of Exhaustion, Ishwari Bhalerao & Leonie Rousham, 2019, screen printed and heat pressed fabric, 203x138cm, Banner made for UCU and IWGB strikes 2019

    ©the artists

    Ishwari Bhalerao & Leonie Rousham, together they form Kneed

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  7. Studio shot, Tom Morgan, 2021

    ©the artist

    Tom Morgan

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  8. Lonely Drifter, Lonely Drifter, 2019, oil on canvas, 35 x 60 cm

    ©the artist

    Lulua Alyahya

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  9. Knot I, Pol Wah Tse, 2020, carved polystyrene covered in ink, PVA, paper and wall filler, 330 x 65 x 170 cm

    ©the artist

    Pol Wah Tse

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  10. With Love from the USA, 2019, Ikigai, A Reason to Live, 2020, Kimie Minobe

    ©the artist

    Kimie Minobe

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  11. Freezing my tits off, Shauna Cribbin, 2020

    ©the artist

    Shauna Cribbin

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  12. Arch, Bea Macdonald, 2021, 8mm film

    ©the artist

    Bea Macdonald

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  13. Megaphone, Sally Plowman, 2021, tins, 35 x 21 x 20 cm

    ©the artist

    Sally Plowman

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  14. Far From Home, Haeji Min, 2020, oil on canvas, 190 x 190 cm

    ©the artist

    Haeji Min

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  15. Crunching Tooth, Ip Dip, Sean Synnuck, 2020

    ©the artist

    Sean Synnuck

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  16. 42 Gateway, Anna Metzger, 2019, digital photograph

    ©the artist

    Anna Metzger

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  17. Fishing in the Devils Punchbowl (still), Ella Turner-Bridger

    ©the artist

    Ella Turner-Bridger

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  18. Birds by a Lake, Tereza Horáček, 2021, oil on canvas, 110 cm x 70 cm

    ©the artist

    Tereza Horacek

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  19. Pan Flip, Georgia Kerr, 2020-2021, still from Pan Flip, an ongoing series of television spots 

    ©the artist

    Georgia Kerr

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  20. Save the Bull, Ambridge, Stanley Welch, 2020, video

    ©the artist

    Stanely Welch

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  21. Strata, Rhun Maredudd Jones, 2020, HD video (still)

    ©the artist

    Rhun Maredudd Jones

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  22. Strata, Pav Putley, August 2021

    ©the artist

    Pav Putley

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  23. My Cutest Friend: I Can Not Hide My Anger to Spare You Guilt, Yuyu Zhitong, oil on linen, 80 x 100 cm

    ©the artist

    Yuyu Zhitong

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  24. Roadrunner/Coyote, Katherine McLean Forster, hand-knit reversible sweater. Cotton

    ©the artist

    Katherine McLean Forster

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  25. Il falò dei gonfiabili (The Bonfire of the Inflatables), Pietro Moretti, 2021, oil, pastel, wax, marble dust on canvas 140 x 150 cm 

    ©the artist

    Pietro Moretti

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  26. Phase 1, Seren Metcalfe, 2020, installation

    ©the artist

    Seren Metcalfe

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  27. Bunny Orgy, Lettice Gatacre, red pencil on paper, 594 x 420 mm

    Lettice Gatacre

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  28. Tilted Stage, Annice Fell, 2021, oil on canvas, 160 x 130 cm

    ©the artist

    Annice Fell

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  29. The Jumbee sugar cane and the Cutty Wren, Mataio Austin Dean, 2020, enlarged etching printed on tyvek, hessian sacks sewn with red nylon thread

    ©Mataio Austin Dean

    Mataio Austin Dean

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  30. Bridge the Gap, Ellie Hayward

    ©the artist

    Ellie Hayward

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  31. Dared light our bliss, Lydia Makin, oil on canvas, 100 x 100 cm 

    ©the artist

    Lydia Makin

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