
MINES ParisTech host the second partners meeting

MINES ParisTech – Centre for industrial economics (CERNA) hosted the second partners meeting on 11-13 October, 2016. SINCERE partners and advisory board members from Europe and China met in Paris to the discuss progress and early results from the project.

sincere paris

On 11 October, Prof Raimund Bleischwitz (UCL ISR) and Prof Geng Yong welcomed the group and gave an update on recent project activities. This was followed by a roundtable discussion with members of the Advisory Board who discussed progress in the Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency, the constraints and contributions of their respective organisations and conclusions for SINCERE.

The three-day meeting also featured detailed discussions of the five Work Packages and conclusions on the next steps, joint publications, exchange, final conference and the opportunity for bilateral collaboration talks.