
Permission to Officiate

It is recognised that those with Permission to Officiate (PtO) still need to participate in safeguarding learning. It is also recognised that the exercise of PtO and the level of ministry can vary considerably between different people. For some it will involve a high level of work regularly, for others a very low level of work irregularly. As the main Safeguarding Leadership Pathway is now targeted at those people “who play a lead role in shaping the culture of the Church body concerned” those with PtO whose role meets this criterion must participate in the main Safeguarding Leadership Pathway. Those with PtO whose role does not meet this criterion must participate in a bespoke PtO Safeguarding Learning Pathway. If you have any questions before booking please do get in touch with our trainer who will be happy to answer them. email Katy Harper (KHarper@diocant.org) . 

All PTO training is booked through the 皇家华人 Safeguarding Calendar






Page last updated: Friday 30th August 2024 6:09 PM
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