Programmes requiring a tuition fee deposit

The table below shows an alphabetical list of all graduate programmes that require a fee deposit and shows the amount for all study modes and for UK and overseas students.

List of programmes
Programme codeProgramme titleFee deposit amount
TCPEDISAAD01Advanced Aesthetic Dentistry PG Cert£500
TMSAMSSDDI01Advanced Materials Science (Data-driven Innovation) MScOverseas full-time students: £1,000 | Overseas part-time students: £500
TMSAMSSENS01Advanced Materials Science (Energy Storage) MScOverseas full-time students: £1,000 | Overseas part-time students: £500
TMSAMSSMIE01Advanced Materials Science (Materials Innovation and Enterprise) MScOverseas full-time students: £1,000 | Overseas part-time students: £500
TMSAMSSSUS01Advanced Materials Science (Sustainability) MScOverseas full-time students: £1,000 | Overseas part-time students: £500
TMSAMSSING01Advanced Materials Science MScOverseas full-time students: £1,000 | Overseas part-time students: £500
TMAEDUSLIN01Applied Linguistics MA£2,000
TMRARCSACO01Architectural Computation MRes£2,000
TMSARCSACO01Architectural Computation MSc£2,000
TMHARCSDES01Architectural Design MArch£2,000
TMAARCSHIS01Architectural History MA£2,000
TMRARCSDTH01Architecture and Digital Theory MRes£2,000
TMAARCSHUE01Architecture and Historic Urban Environments MA£2,000
TMHARCSING09Architecture MArch£2,000
TMSARTSBAH01Artificial Intelligence for Biomedicine and Healthcare MScFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMSARTSSUD01Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development MScFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMHARCSBID01Bio-Integrated Design MArch£2,000
TMSARCSBID01Bio-Integrated Design MSc£2,000
TMSBUSSANL01Business Analytics MScFull-time students: £2,000
TMSCENSCPE01Chemical Process Engineering MScFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMHCINAVGA01Cinematic and Videogame Architecture MArch£2,000
TMACBESING01Comparative Business Economics MAOverseas full-time students: £4,000 | Overseas part-time students: £2,000
TMAPOLSCEP12Comparative Economics and Policy MAOverseas full-time students: £4,000 | Overseas part-time students: £2,000
TMACLTSING01Comparative Literature MAFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMSCOMSCFI01Computational Finance MScFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMSCOMSSML01Computational Statistics and Machine Learning MScFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMSCOMSCGV01Computer Graphics, Vision and Imaging MScFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMSCOMSING01Computer Science MScFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMSEDISCND01Conservative Dentistry MScUK full-time and part-time students £2,500 | Overseas full-time and part-time students £5,000.
TMSARCSCEM01Construction Economics and Management MScFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMAANTSCCE01Creative and Collaborative Enterprise MAFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMFANTSCDP01Creative Documentary by Practice MFAFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMSDATSMLE01Data Science and Machine Learning MScFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMSDATSPPE01Data Science and Public Policy (Economics) MScFull-time students: £4,000
TMSDATSPPP01Data Science and Public Policy (Political Science) MScFull-time students: £4,000
TMHARCSDMA01Design for Manufacture MArch£2,000
TMHARCSDPI01Design for Performance and Interaction MArch£2,000
TMSARCSDAP01Development Administration and Planning MSc£500
TMAEDUSCRS01Digital Media: Critical Studies MAFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMAEDUSEDM01Digital Media: Education MAFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMAEDUSPRO01Digital Media: Production MAFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMSCOMSDDI19Disability, Design and Innovation MScFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMAEMSSING01Early Modern Studies MAFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMSECOSING01Economics MSc£4,000
TMAEDUSEDT01Education and Technology MAFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMSCOMSEDT01Emerging Digital Technologies MScFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMSEDISEND01Endodontics MScUK full-time and part-time students £2,500 | Overseas full-time and part-time students £5,000.
TMCEDISENA01Endodontology (Advanced Training) MClinDentUK full-time and part-time students £2,500 | Overseas full-time and part-time students £5,000.
TMCEDISEND01Endodontology MClinDentUK full-time and part-time students £2,500 | Overseas full-time and part-time students £5,000.
TMSARCSESD01Environment and Sustainable Development MSc£500
TMSENTSING01Entrepreneurship MScFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMAFILSEAD01Ethnographic and Documentary Film (Practical) MAFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMAEURSCTC01European Culture and Thought: Culture MAFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMAEURSCTT01European Culture and Thought: Thought MAFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMAEURSSCY01European Studies: European Society MAFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMAEURSMES01European Studies: Modern European Studies MAFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMRIFCAEXT19Experimental and Translational Immunology MResFull time students: £1000
TMAFILSING01Film Studies MAFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMSFINSING01Finance MSc£2,000
TMSMATSFIN01Financial Mathematics MScFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMSCOMSFRM01Financial Risk Management MScFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMSFINSTEC01Financial Technology MScFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMHFIRSSDN01Fire Safe Design MArch£2,000
TMAGNDSSAR01Gender, Society and Representation MAFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMSPOLSGGE01Global Governance and Ethics MScFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMBONLSMBG01Global Management MBA£1,000
TMAHMTSHEA01Health Humanities MAFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMSARCSHUD01Health in Urban Development MSc£500
TMAIMFACST01Immersive Factual Storytelling MAFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMSEDISIMD21Implant Dentistry MSc£500
TCPEDISIMD21Implant Dentistry PG Cert£500
TMSCOMSINF01Information Security MScFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMSARCSIIF01Infrastructure Investment and Finance MScFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMAEDUSCIN01Intercultural Communication MAFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMSPOLSIPP01International Public Policy MScFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMAARCSLAN01Landscape Architecture MA£2,000
TMLARCSLAN01Landscape Architecture MLA£2,000
TMALCHSMDS07Language, Culture and History: Dutch Studies MAFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMALCHSFRN07Language, Culture and History: French and Francophone Studies MAFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMALCHSGEH07Language, Culture and History: German History MAFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMALCHSGES07Language, Culture and History: German Studies MAFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMALCHSSPA07Language, Culture and History: Hispanic Studies MAFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMALCHSITA07Language, Culture and History: Italian Studies MAFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMALCHSSCA07Language, Culture and History: Scandinavian Studies MAFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMLLAWSING20Law LLMFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMSCOMSMCL01Machine Learning MScFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMSMANSING01Management MSc£2,000
TMSEDISOMS09Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery MScUK full-time and part-time students £2,500 | Overseas full-time and part-time students £5,000.
TMSEDISORM01Oral Medicine MScUK full-time and part-time students £2,500 | Overseas full-time and part-time students £5,000.
TMCEDISOSA01Oral Surgery (Advanced Training) MClinDentUK full-time and part-time students £2,500 | Overseas full-time and part-time students £5,000.
TMCEDISORS01Oral Surgery MClinDentUK full-time students £2,500 | Overseas full-time students £5,000.
TMCEDISORA09Orthodontics (Advanced Training) MClinDentUK full-time and part-time students £2,500 | Overseas full-time and part-time students £5,000.
TMCEDISORT09Orthodontics MClinDentUK full-time and part-time students £2,500 | Overseas full-time and part-time students £5,000.
DDDEDISPAE01Paediatric Dentistry DDentUK full-time students £2,500 | Overseas full-time students £5,000.
TMSEDISPAE09Paediatric Dentistry MSc£500
TMSEDISPED01Periodontology (Distance Learning) MSc£500
TMCEDISPER01Periodontology MClinDentUK full-time and part-time students £2,500 | Overseas full-time and part-time students £5,000.
TMAPHISPEH01Philosophy, Politics and Economics of Health MAFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMSARCSPEM01Project and Enterprise Management MScFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMCEDISPRA01Prosthodontics (Advanced Training) MClinDentUK full-time and part-time students £2,500 | Overseas full-time and part-time students £5,000.
TMSPOLSPUB01Public Policy MScFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMSEDISRDP18Restorative Dental Practice MSc£500
TMSPOLSSEC01Security Studies MScFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMAARCSSIP01Situated Practice MA£2,000
TMSARCSSDP01Social Development Practice MSc£500
TMSSOCSPSR01Social Policy and Social Research (With Systematic Reviews) MScFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMSSOCSPOR01Social Policy and Social Research MScFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMSSRMSING01Social Research Methods MScFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMRARCSSPL17Space Syntax: Architecture and Cities MRes£2,000
TMSARCSSPD17Space Syntax: Architecture and Cities MSc£2,000
TMSEDISSCD01Special Care Dentistry MScUK full-time and part-time students £2,500 | Overseas full-time and part-time students £5,000.
TCPEDISSCD14Special Care Dentistry PG Cert£500
TMSCOMSEIT01Systems Engineering for the Internet of Things MScFull-time students: £2,000 | Part-time students: £1,000
TMAEDUSSER01Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) In-Service MA£2,000
TMAEDUSPRE01Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Pre-Service MA£2,000
TMSTRLTAUV01Translation and Technology (Audiovisual) MScFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMSTRLTSCI01Translation and Technology (Scientific, Technical and Medical) MScFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMSTRLTINP01Translation and Technology (with Interpreting) MScFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMATRLSRES01Translation: Research MAFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMATRLSTAC01Translation: Translation and Culture MAFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMATRLSSTD01Translation: Translation Studies MAFull-time students: £1,000 | Part-time students: £500
TMHURBSDES01Urban Design MArch£2,000
TMSARCSUDP01Urban Development Planning MSc£500
TMSARCSUED01Urban Economic Development MSc£500

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