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Theban Tombs

Dynasty 18 tombs and tomb-chapels allotted numbers

early Dynasty 18 (Ahmose - Amenhotep I)

12. Hery, overseer of the granary of the king's wife and king's mother Ahhotep

15. Tetiky, king's son, mayor of Thebes

59. Qen, high priest of Mut lady of Asheru

320. Inhapy, early Dynasty 18, tomb used in Dynasty 21 to rebury bodies from tombs of kings and their families

A20. Nakht, overseer of the granary of Amun

C2. Amenemhat, official


mid Dynasty 18 (Thutmose I - Thutmose IV)

11. Djehuty, overseer of the treasury

17. Nebamun, scribe and doctor of the king

18. Baki, Amun treasury official

20. Mentuherkhepshef, mayor of Qusiya

21. User, steward of king Thutmose I

22. Wah, cupbearer of the king

24. Nebamun, steward of the king's wife Nebtu

29. Amenemipet Pairy, mayor of Thebes

38. Djeserkaraseneb, Amun granary official

39. Puyemra, second priest of Amun

42. Amenmose, captain of troops

43. Neferrenpet, overseer of stores of Pharaoh

45. Djehuty, steward of high priest of Amun Mery, mid Dynasty 18: tomb taken over later by Djehutyemheb, head of fine linen production of Amun temple, Ramesside

52. Nakht, astronomer of Amun

53. Amenemhat, Amun temple administrator

54. Huy, Amun temple sculptor, mid Dynasty 18: tomb taken over later by Kener, Khons temple head of stores, Ramesside

56. Userhat, child of the inner palace (military?)

61. User, vizier

62. Amenemweskhet, palace official

63. Sobekhotep, mayor of Fayum

64. Heqaerneheh, nurse of the king's son Amenhotep

61. User, vizier

62. Amenemweskhet, palace official

63. Sobekhotep, mayor of Fayum

64. Heqaerneheh, nurse of the king's son Amenhotep

65. Nebamun, overseer of the granary, mid Dynasty 18; tomb taken over later by Imyseba, overseer of temple scribes in Amun domain, Ramesside

66. Hepu, vizier

67. Hepuseneb, high priest of Amun

69. Menena, scribe of fields of Pharaoh

71. Senenmut, high steward

72. Ra, high priest of Amun in temple for cult of king Thutmose III

73. Amenhotep, overseer of works, high steward

74. Tjenuny, general

75. Amenhotep Sise, second priest of Amun

76. Tjenuna, fan-bearer on the right of the king

77. Ptahemhat, overseer of works in the Amun domain

78. Horemheb, scribe of recruits

79. Menkheperraseneb, overseer of the granary

80. Thutnefer, overseer of the treasury

81. Ineni, overseer of the granary in the Amun domain

82. Amenemhat, accountant of grain of Amun

83. Aamtju Ahmose, vizier

84. Iamunedjeh, first herald of the king

85. Amenemheb Meh, commander of soldiers

86. Menkheperraseneb, high priest of Amun

87. Minnakht, overseer of the granary

88. Pehsukher Tjenenu, standard-bearer of Pharaoh

90. Nebamun, captain of troops of police on the west of Thebes

91. name unknown, captain of troops, overseer of cavalry

92. Suemniut, cupbearer of the king

93. Qenamun, high steward

94. Ramose Amy, first herald of the king

95. Mery, high priest of Amun

96. Sennefer, mayor of Thebes

97. Amenemhat, high priest of Amun

98. Kaemheribsen, third priest of Amun

99. Sennefer, treasurer

100. Rekhmira, vizier

101. Tjener, cupbearer of the king

104. Thutnefer, overseer of the treasury

108. Nebseny, high priest of Inheret

109. Min, mayor of Tjeny (Thinis)

110. Djehuty, cupbearer of the king, herald of the king

112. Menkheperraseneb, high priest of Amun, mid Dynasty 18; tomb taken over later by Aashefytemwaset, priest of Amun-aashefyt, Ramesside

116. name unknown

119. name unknown

121. Ahmose, first lector-priest of Amun

122. Amenhotep and Amenemhat, overseers of the production area of Amun

123. Amenemhat, overseer of the granary

124. Ry, overseer of the storerooms of Pharaoh

125. Duaerneheh, first herald

127. Senemiah, overseer of produce, mid Dynasty 18 (?); tomb taken over later, in Ramesside Period

129. name unknown

130. May, harbour master in Thebes

131. User/Useramen, vizier

140. Neferrenpet Kefia (?), goldworker

142. Samut, overseer of works of Amun-Ra in Karnak

143. name unknown

144. Nu, overseer of estate labour

146. Nebamun, overseer of the granary of Amun

147. name unknown, a priest of Amun

151. Hety, overseer of estates of the god's wife of Amun

154. Tati, cupbearer

155. Intef, great herald of the king

162. Qenamun, mayor of Thebes

164. Intef, scribe of recruits

165. Nehemaway, goldsmith

169. Senena, head goldsmith of Amun

172. Mentiywy, child of the inner palace

175. name unknown

176. Userhat, servant of Amun

179. Nebamun, accountant of grain in the granary of divine offerings of Amun

182. Amenemhat, scribe of the mat

200. Dedi, captain of the troops of Pharaoh

201. Ra, first herald of the king

205. Thutmose, cupbearer of the king

224. Ahmose Humay, overseer of the estate of the god's wife

225. name unknown, high priest of Hathor

227. name unknown

231. Nebamun, accountant of grain of Amun

239. Penhat, overseer for all northern lands

241. Ahmose, child of the inner palace

248. Thutmose, supplier of offerings of Thutmose III

249. Neferrenpet, supplier of dates/cakesin the temple of Amenhotep III

251. Amenmose, overseer of cattle of Amun, overseer of production-area of Amun

252. Senimen, estate overseer, nurse of the god's wife

256. Nebenkemet, child of the inner palace

257. Neferhotep, accountant of grain of Amun, mid Dynasty 18; tomb taken over later by Meh, deputy in the Ramesseum, Ramesside Period

258. Menkheper, child of the inner palace

260. User, overseer of fields of Amun

262. name unknown, overseer of fields

276. Amenemipet, overseer of the treasury

297. Amenemipet Tjanefer, accountant of grain of Amun

317. Thutnefer, accountant of grain in the granary of divine offerings of Amun

318. Amenmose, necropolis-worker of Amun

340. Amenemhat, servant in the Place of Truth

342. Thutmose, herald of the king

343. Benia Paheqamen, overseer of works, child of the inner palace

345. Amenhotep, pure-priest, eldest king's son of Thutmose I

349. Tjay, overseer of fowl-pens

353. Senenmut, high steward

354. name unknown

358. Ahmose Merytamun, king's wife of Amenhotep II

365. Nefermenu, overseer of wig-makers of Amun in Karnak

367. Paser, head archer, child of the inner palace

393. name unknown

401. Nebseny, overseer of goldsmiths of Amun

402. name unknown

412. Qenamun, king's scribe

A4. Wensu, accountant of grain

A5. Neferhotep, overseer of the granary

A6. Thutnefer Seshu, overseer of marsh-lands

A9. name unknown

A10. Thutnefer, overseer of the treasury

B2. Amenneferu, pure-priest at the fore

C6. Ipy, overseer of boats in the temple of king Thutmose IV

C11. Nebseny, overseer of goldsmiths of Amun

D1. Nehy, king's son of Kush


late Dynasty 18 (Amenhotep III - Horemheb)

8. Kha, servant in the place of Truth (= royal craftsman)

40. Amenhotep Huy, king's son of Kush

46. Ramose, high official for granaries

47. Userhat, overseer of private rooms of the king

48. Amenemhat Surer, high steward

49. Neferhotep, chief scribe of Amun

50. Neferhotep, priest ('god's father') of Amun-Ra

55. Ramose, vizier

57. Khamhat Meh, high official for granaries

58. original owner name unknown, late Dynasty 18; tomb taken over later by Ameneminet, temple scribe, Ramesside

89. Amenmose, steward in Thebes

102. Imhotep, child of the palace

107. Nefersekheru, steward of the estate of Amenhotep III 'Ra glistens'

118. Amenmose, fanbearer on the right of the king

120. Aanen, second priest of Amun

139. Pairy, pure-priest at the fore of Amun

150. Userhat, overseer of cattle of Amun

152. name unknown, late Dynasty 18; tomb taken over later, in Ramesside Period (?)

161. Nakht, bearer of floral offerings of Amun

181. Nebamun, head sculptor of Pharaoh, and Ipuky, sculptor of Pharaoh

188. Parennefer, cupbearer of the king

192. Kheref Senaa, overseer of the estate of the great wife of the king Tiy

226. Heqareshu, overseer of nurses of the king

253. Khnummose, accountant of grain in the granary of Amun

254. Mose, treasury scribe, keeper of the estate of queen Tiy in the Amun domain

255. Ry, estate overseer in estates of Horemheb and Amun

271. Nay, scribe of the king

295. Thutmose Pary, embalmer

333. name unknown

334. name unknown

338. May, draughtsman of Amun

368. Amenhotep Huy, overseer of sculptors of Amun in Thebes

383. Merymose, king's son of Kush

A8. Amenemheb, mayor of Thebes

A21. name unknown, late Dynasty 18 (?)

A24. Samut, second priest of Amun

C1. Amenhotep, overseer of carpenters of Amun

C4. Merymaat, pure-priest of Turth, late Dynasty 18 (?) - this tomb has been relocated

C5. name unknown, late Dynasty 18 (?)


Dynasty 18 (not more precisely dated; 'New Kingdom' tombs may be Ramesside)

145. Nebamun, head of archery

167. name unknown

171. name unknown

199. Amenirneferu, overseer of the store-rooms

204. Nebanensu, captain of the high priest of Amun

228. Amenmose, scribe of the Amun treasury

229. name unknown

230. Men (?), scribe of troops of Pharaoh

234. Ry, mayor, Dynasty 18 (?)

238. Neferweben, cupbearer of the king

245. Hori, overseer of the estate of the great wife of the king

246. Senenra, head of estate-workers of Amun

247. Samut, accountant of cattle of Amun

261. Khamwaset, pure-priest of king Amenhotep I

325. Smen (?)

348. name unknown, high steward, Dynasty 18; tomb taken over later by Naatmutnakht, door-opener of the Gold House of Amun, Third Intermediate Period

350. name unknown, accountant of bread

396. name unknown

397. Nakht, first king's son of Amun

398. Kamose Nentawaref, child of the inner palace

403. Merymaat, temple scribe, Dynasty 18 (?)

A1. Amenemhat, ka-priest

A3. Ruru, chief of police

A7. Amenhotep, accountant

A11. Khamwaset, New Kingdom

A13. Paimes, sealer of the storehouse of gifts

A19. Amenhotep, mayor of Tjeny (Thinis)

A22. Neferhebef, accountant of grain

A25. name unknown

A27. Say, king's scribe of the altar, New Kingdom

C3. Amenhotep, deputy treasurer, Dynasty 18 (?)

C8. Nakht, overseer of fowl-pens in the Amun domain

C10. Penrenenu, scribe of the offering-table

C15. name unknown, overseer of the treasury (?)

D2. Petersemsedu, New Kingdom

D3. Meh, overseer of the estate [...], Dynasty 18 (?)


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