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Kafr Ammar Tomb 1895

date: 13th Dynasty to Hyksos Period (about 1700-1550 BC)

Petrie 1914: 12, pl. IX, 20-24, LXXI (below right), Merillees 1895: 30, see also the tomb cards (click on the bodies or on the pottery)

kaframmartomb1895child1.html kaframmartomb1895woman.html kaframmartomb1895child2.html kaframmartomb1895pottery.html

Measurements of the tomb-chamber: 134 x 121 x 116 (height) cm (the measurements seem to be too small for the bodies - on the tomb card the following measurements are also given, but deleted: 178 x 186 x 182 (height) cm.

Measurements of the shaft: 228 x 88 x 292 (depth) cm



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