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Sedment, background information

"At this site (Gebel Sedment), seventy miles south of Cairo, there lay a cemetery continuous for three or four miles, as far as Mayana, the burial ground of ancient Henen-nesut (later known as Herakleopolis) which stands about five miles away in the plain. The desert here forms a narrow neck between the Nile valley and the Fayum, only two and a half miles from one cultivation to the other."



The reconstruction of the tombs:

Petrie and Brunton published most of the tombs in registers (Petrie/Brunton 1924: pl.XXXVI-XXXIX, LXVII). Only special finds are described in greater detail. Most of the coffins, masks and wooden models are only marked in the tomb register. For the pottery only the types, not the number found are given.

The pottery types given in Digital Egypt follow Petrie/Brunton 1924: pl. XXIX-XXXV.

Not all tombs are marked on the maps. There are many tombs on the published maps without any number.


Datings: The datings of single tombs follows mainly Seidlmayer 1990: 259, 395

Further reading:


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