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Sedment tomb 1506

date: First Intermediate Period (about 2000 BC)

disturbed grave/shaft of woman in a white painted coffin; the shaft/hole was about 3.0 m deep (Petrie/Brunton 1924: pl. XXXVII; Seidlmayer 1990: 329)

(for the selection of objects in the tomb compare: burial customs)

UC 31794
UC 18187 (90v)
UC 31794 UC 18187

pots not in the Petrie Museum: type 51k, 51n, 53k

arrows (?) UC 63168

Problem: The arrows are not mentioned in the publication, they are not mentioned on the tomb cards.
There is therefore some doubt about their origin. A tomb number written on the paper seems to be 1506 (but see other arrows from tomb 1586).

UC 63168


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