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Early Scarabs

The first scarabs appear at the end of the First Intermediate Period. They always show designs. Several scholars have tried to date and arrange them. The following typology is based on the research of Ward 1978. Ward tries to date them all before the Twelfth Dynasty. Such exact dates are unobtainable (compare Ben-Tor 1998).

Design Class 1A (linear patterns, maze)

Design Class 1B (linear patterns, geometric)

UC 20736
UC 20846
UC 18095
UC 20717
UC 20769
UC 13392
UC 13393
UC 13394
click on the picture

Design Class 1C (linear patterns, humans)

UC 20811

Design Class 1D (linear patterns, animal and insects)

UC 60930
(the back)

Design Class 1E (linear patterns, floral)

click on the picture
UC 42428
UC 20716

Design Class 2A (scrolls and spirals)

click on the picture

Design Class 3 (Egyptian signs and symbols)


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