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Cylinder seals with figures
in the Petrie Museum (unprovenanced)

Seals with figures ('Figurenzylinder') are decorated with symbolic figures. Cylinder seals of this kind are closely datable because some of them mention a king's name. The earliest name of a king on such a seal is that of king Djedkare of the Fifth Dynasty.

UC 11084 (Kaplony 1981: pl. 165.89)
UC 11084

UC 11080 (Kaplony 1981: pl. 165.87)
UC 11080

UC 11085 (Kaplony 1981: pl. 165.90)
UC 11085

UC 11096 (Kaplony 1981: pl. 166.93)
UC 11096

further reading on the cylinders with figures:



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