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Book of the Dead Chapter 44

Source for the composition: before the New Kingdom (about 1550-1069 BC), chapter
44 occurs on the walls of early Middle Kingdom coffins ('Coffin Texts', numbers 786-7)
In the papyrus of Nu, chapters 44 is found together, in the following version:

Chapter 44
r n tm mwt m wHm-a
tpHt twy sp sn
xr Axw m-Xnw kkwy
Dsr.tw n.i irt-Hr
rnn wi wp-wAwt imn.n wi m-m.tn ixmw-sk
iw wsrt(.) ra iw Hr.i wn
HAty.i Hr st.f tp-r.i rx.n.i
ink ra mk sw Ds.f
n xm.i awA.tw.i
anx ir.k it.i sA nwt
ink sA.k smsw mAA StAw.k
iw.i xa.kwi m nswt n nTrw nn mwt.i m wHm-a

Formula for not dying again
This cavern, this cavern
The Blessed dead are fallen in the darkness
the Eye of Horus is separated for me
Wepwawet nurses me, and has hidden me among you, Indestructible Stars
My throat is that of Ra, my face is opened
My heart is on its place, my pronouncements are informed
I am Ra who protects himself
I am not ignorant of my seizure
Life to you, my father son of Nut
I am your eldest son who sees your mysteries
I am arisen as king of the gods, and I will not die again.



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