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Book of the Dead Chapter 17

Chapter 17, one of the longest individual compositions in the Book of the Dead, ranks as one of the most remarkable examples of writing from ancient Egypt, with its unparalleled structure of internal commentary. It identifies the deceased individual with the creator-god, and every few lines inserts the words 'what does it mean?' followed not much by an explanation as by a redescription in religious terms. For example in section 3 the phrase 'Mine is yesterday, I know tomorrow' is followed by the gloss or 'explanation' 'yesterday is Osiris, tomorrow is Ra'. Most passages are given more than one gloss or 'explanation'.

From the Ramesside Period to the Ptolemaic Period this chapter is written beneath a series of vignettes illustrating themes in the title and contents. In the Petrie Museum collection, a damaged example may be seen in the Nineteenth Dynasty papyrus of Tjaymesu from Sedment (UC 71002).

The composition exists in the Middle Kingdom, numbered by de Buck as Coffin Text 335. In both Coffin Texts and Book of the Dead it is one of the most frequently found formulae.

The version below gives the Book of the Dead version as compiled from various sources by Naville in his standard edition of the New Kingdom and Third Intermediate Period papyri. The section numbering follows the edition by Allen 1974.


rw nw sTs sAxw pr m Xrt-nTr

wn m Smsw n wsir Htp m Sbw wn-nfr

pr m hrw ir xpr nb n mr.tw.f xpr im.f

Hby m snit wn m sH bA anx

wsir N m imAxyw xr psDt aAt imt imntt m-xt mni.f

iw Axw n ir.s tp-tA

xpr mdt tmm

Dd-mdw in wsir N

Formulae for elevation and transfiguration, for going out from the necropolis,

for being in the following of Osiris, and being content with the food of Wennefer,

going out by day, taking any form desired to be taken,

playing the board-game senet, being in the pavilion, a living soul,

the Osiris N among the revered before the great Ennead which is in the west, after he moors.

This is good for the one who does it on earth.

The words come to pass, in completion.

Words spoken by the Osiris N:

Allen Part a, Section 1

ink tm m wnn wa m nwn

ink ra m xa.f SAa HqA.f ir.n.f

ptr rf sw

ra pw m xa.f m SAa HqA.f ir.n.f

SAa ra pw xa m Hnn-nswt

m wnn xpr sTsw nwn

iw.f Hr qAA imy xmnw

Htm n.f msw bdS Hr qAA imy xmnw

Mine is all in existence alone in Nun,

I am Ra in his rising, first in ruling what he made.

What does it mean?

It means Ra in his rising when first ruling what he made,

It means the first rising of Ra in Henennesut,

when there was the creation of the supports of Nun

when he was on the high ground which is in Khemenu,

when the children of the rebel were destroyed for him on the high ground which is in Khemenu.

Allen Part a, Section 2

ink nTr aA xpr Ds.f

mw pw nwn pw it nTrw

ptr rf sw

ra pw qmA Haw.f

xpr nn Trw imyw-xt ra

ink iwty xsf.f m nTrw

ptr rf sw

itm m itn.f

ky Dd

ra pw imy itn.f wbn.f m Axt iAbtt nt pt

I am the great god who comes to be of himself,

there is water, there is Nun, father of the gods

What does it mean?

It means Ra creating his body,

when those god in the following of Ra took shape.

I am the unopposed among the gods

What does it mean?

Atum in his sun-disk

Another version:

It is Ra in his sun-disk shining from the eastern horizon of the sky.

Allen Part a, Section 3

ink sf iw.i rx.kwi dwAw

ptr rf sw

ir sf wsir pw

ir dwAw ra pw

hrw pfy n Htmt sbiw nw nb-r-Dr im.f

Hna sipt.n.tw.f sA.f Hr

ky Dd

hrw pn iw.n-mn

dhn.f qrs pw nt wsir in it.f ra

Mine is yesterday, I know tomorrow

What does it mean?

Yesterday is Osiris,

Tomorrow is Ra,

on that day on which the rebels against the Lord of All are slaughtered,

and when his son Horus was appointed.

Another version:

this day 'we abide'

which is when he fixes the burial of Osiris by his father Ra.

Allen Part a, Section 4

ir.n.f aHA nTrw xft wDt.f wsir nb Dw imntt
ptr rf sw
imntt pw
irt.n.tw.sn bAw nTrw xft wDt.f wsir nb Dw imntt
ky Dd
imntt pw
nw pw rdi.n.ra hA nTr nb r.s aHa.n aHA.n.f Hr.s
iw.i rx.kwi nTr pwy aA nty im.s
ptr rf sw
wsir pw
ky Dd
Hknw pw n ra rn.f
bA pw n ra rn.f
nk.f im.f Ds.f


He made the battleship of the gods as Osiris lord of the mountain of the west commanded
What does it mean?
It is the west
The powers of the gods were made as Osiris lord of the mountain of the west commanded
Another version:
It is the west
and this is where Ra sent down every god, and over which he fought.
I know this great god who is in it
What does it mean?
It is Osiris
Another version:
His name is acclamation of Ra
His name is the soul of Ra with which he copulates himself

Allen Part a, Section 5

ink bnw pwy aA nty m iwnw
ink sip ntt wnnt
ptr rf sw
ir bnw wsir pw nty m iwnw
ir sip ntt wnnt XAt.f pw
ky Dd
HH pw Hna Dt
ir HH hrw pw
ir Dt grH pw

I am that great benu-heron which is in Iunu
I am the one who assigns what exists
What does it mean?
As for the benu-heron, it is Osiris who is in Iunu
As for what exists, it is his corpse
Another version:
It is time and eternity
As for time, it is day
As for eternity, it is night

Allen Part a, Section 6

ink iAHs m prt.f
iw rdi.n.f Swty m tp.f
ptr rf sw
ir iAHs Hr pw nD it.f wsir
ir prt.f mst.f pw
ir Swty m tp.f
Smt ist Hna nbt-Hwt
rdi.n.sn HA.f m wnn.sn m Drty
is sw Hr mn m tp.f
ky Dd
araty pw wr aA imy HAt it.f itm
ky Dd
irty.f pw Swty.f m tp.f

I am Iahes in his emergence
when he has placed the double plume on his head
What does it mean?
Iahes means Horus championing his father Osiris
His emergence means his birth
The double plume on his head:
the proceeding of Isis and Nephthys
when they have placed behind him in their existence as two kites,
when his head was in pain.
Another version:
It is the great and mighty double cobra which is before his father Atum
Another version:
The double plume on his head is his two eyes.


Allen Part a, Section 7

wn.i m tA ii.n.i m niwt.i
ptr rf sw
Axt pw nt it.f itm

I exist on earth, I have come from my city
What does it mean?
It is the horizon of his father Atum

Allen Part a, Section 8

iww xsr sk Dww
ptr rf sw
Sad.tw Spwty pw wsir N
sHr Dw nb iry
ptr rf sw
wab wsir N hrw mst.f
m Ss wr aA nty m Hnn-nswt
hrw aAb rxyt n nTr pwy aA nty im.s
ptr rf sw
sSm HHw rn n wa wAD-wr rn n ky
S pw n Hsmn Hna S pw n mAat
ky Dd
wtt HHw rn n wa wAD-wr rn n ky
ir grt nTr pfy aA nty im.s ra pw Ds.f

Crimes are removed, evils destroyed
What does it mean?
It means that the navel cord of the Osiris N has been cut
All the evil of it is removed
What does it mean?
The Osiris N is purified on the day of his birth
in the two great and mighty lakes which are in Henennesut
on the day the populace offers to that great god who is in it
What does it mean?
Guide of millions is the name of one, Great Green is the name of the other,
It is the lake of natron and it is the lake of what is Right
Another version:
Begetter of millions is the name of one, Great Green is the name of the other,
And as for the great god mentioned who is in, it is Ra himself


Allen Part a, Section 9

Sm.i Hr wAt rx.n.i tp n S mAaty
ptr rf sw
ir r-sTAw sbA pw rs n nArf sbA pw mHty iAt wsir
ir grt S mAaty AbDw pw
ky Dd
wAT pw Sm it.f itm Hr.s
xft wDA.f r sxt iArw
spr.i r tA Axt
aq.i m dwAt Dsrt
ptr rf sw
sxt iArw pw ms DfAw nTrw HA kAri
ir sbA mHty sbA pw n dwAt
ky Dd
aAwy-r pw nty wDA it.f itm Hr.f
xft wDA.f r Axt iAbtt nt pt

I go on the road I have learned towards the lake of what is Right
What does it mean?
It is Rosetau, it means the southern gate at Naref, it means the northern gate, the mound of Osiris
And as for the lake of what is Right, it is Abydos
Another version:
It is the road on which his father Atum goes
when he journeys to the Marsh of Reeds
I reach the land of the horizon,
I go into the sacred underworld
What does it mean?
It is the Field of Reeds that generates offerings of the gods around the shrine,
as for the northern gate, it is the the gate of the underworld
Another version:
It is the double doorway on which his father Atum journeys
when he journeys to when he journeys to the eastern horizon of the sky


Allen Part a, Section 10

imyw-bAH imi n.i awy.Tn
ink pw xpr im.Tn
ptr rf sw
snf pa hA m Hnn n ra m-xt wA.f r Sad.f Ds.f
aHaw xpr m nTrw imyw-bAH
ra pw Hw siA pw wnnw m-xt it.w itm m Xrt-hrw nt ra nb

Ancestors, give me your hands,
I am the one who comes to be among you
What does it mean?
It is the blood falling from the phallus of Ra when he ended by cutting it himself,
turning into the ancestral gods ,
It is Ra, it is Hu and Sia who are in the following of their father Atum in the course of every day

Allen Part a, Section 11

iw mH.n wsir N wDAt m-xt hb.s hrw pwy n aHA rHwy
ptr rf sw
hrw pfy n aHA Hr Hna stX m wd.f stAw n Hr m iT.n Hr Xrwy n stH
ir gr DHwty ir nn m Dbaw.f Ds.f
iw Ts.n wsir N Sn.f m wDAt m tr n Sn
ptr rf sw
irt twy wnmy nt ra m nSn.f m-xt hb.f sw
in grt DHwty Ts Snw.f
in.f s anx wDA snb nn bgA.s r nb.s
ky Dd
wn.in irt.f pw mr.s m wnn.s Hr rm snnw
aHa.n DHwty Hr pgs.s

The Osiris N has filled the wedjat-eye after it was damaged on this day of the fight of the two comrades
What does it mean?
That day of the fight of Horus with Seth when he inflicted injury on Horus and when Horus seized the testicles of Seth
Now it was Thoth who did this with his own fingers
The Osiris N has bound his hair with the wedjat-eye in the time of rage
What does it mean?
This right eye of Ra in its rage after he damaged it,
and it is Thoth who tied his hair,
and brought it for life, prosperity and health, so it would not be tired against its lord
Another version:
It means, when his eye was ill from being in tears for the second,
and then Thoth spat upon it

Allen Part a, Section 12

iw mAA.n wsir ra pw ms m sf r xpdw n mH-wr
wDA wsir N wDA.f Ts-pXr
ptr rf sw
nw pw nwy nt
ky Dd
twt pw n irt ra dwA ms.tw.f ra nb
ir gr mH-wr wDAt pw n ra
Hr-ntt wa m nn nTrw imyw-xt Hr mdw.f Hry-tp mry nb.f
ptr rf sw
imst Hpy dwA-mwt.f qbH-snw.f

This Osiris has seen Ra born yesterday at the buttocks of Mehweret,
the Osiris N is well, he is well, and vice versa
What does it mean?
It means these waters of the sky-flood
Another version:
It means an image of the eye of Ra at dawn when he is born every day
As for Mehweret, it means the wedjat-eye of Ra
because (I am) one of those gods of the following of Horus, one who speaks as master, beloved of his lord
What does it mean?
Imset, Hapy, Duamutef, Qebehsenuf


Allen Part a, Section 13

i.nD Hr.tn nbw mAaty DADAt HA wsir
dd Sad m isftyw imyw-xt Htp.s-xw.s
mtn wi ii.kwi xr.tn nn Dw nb iry
mi nn ir.tn n Axw sfx ipw imyw Sms nb.sn sip
irt.n inpw st.sn nrw pfy n mi-r.k-n.n
ptr rf sw
ir nn nTrw nbw mAaty
DHwty pw Hna isds nb imntt
ir DADAt HA wsir
imst Hpy dwA-mwt.f qbH-snw.f
nn pw m-sA pA xpS n pt mHt
ir dd Sad m isftyw imyw-xt Htp.s-xw.s
msHw pw imyw mw
ir Htp.s-xw.s irt twy nt ra
ky Dd
nsrt pw imyw-xt wsir Hr sAw bAw nw xftyw.f
ir grt Dw nb iry
irt.f m-m nbw HH Dr hA.f m Xt nt mwt.f
ir grt Axw sfx ipw
imst Hpy dwA-mwt.f qbH-snw.f
mAA-it.f Xr-bAq.f Hr-xnt-irty
rdi.n.sn inpw m sAw n qrs nt wsir
ky Dd
m sA wabt nt wsir
ky Dd
ir Axw sfx ipw
nDnD-qdqd kA-nn-rdi-n.f-nbit xntt-hh.f
aq-Hr-imy-wnwt.f dSr-irty-imy-xt-Hwt-ins
Asb-Hr-pr-m-xtxt mAA-m-grH-inn.f-m-hrw
ir DADAt nt nArf wr.f n it.f ra
ir hrw pfy n mi-r.k-n.n
Dd in wsir pw n ra mi-r.k mAA wi
xsf sw ra m imnt

Hail lords of the double Right, tribunal around Osiris,
who spread slaughter among the evil, who are in the following of Hetepeskhus
See I am come before you, with no evil attaching,
as you do to those 7 spirits who are in the retinue of their lord of control,
whose places Anubis prepared on that day of the call Come-then-to-us
What does it mean?
These gods the lords of the double Right
are Thoth with Isdes lord of the west.
The tribunal around Osiris is
Imset, Hapy, Duamutef, Qebehsenuf,
these are at the back of the Plough constellation of the northern sky
Those who spread slaughter among the evil, who are in the following of Hetepeskhus,
are the crocodiles which are in the water.
Hetepeskhus is that eye of Ra
Another version:
It is the flame of the following of Osiris guarding from the powers of his enemies.
All the evil attaching is his deeds among the lords of eternity since he left the womb of his mother.
Those seven spirits are
Imset, Hapy, Duamutef, Qebehsenuf,
Maaitef, Kherbaqef, Horus-khentirty,
and they place Anubis on guard for the burial of Osiris
Another version:
after the purification of Osiris
Another version:
Those seven spirits are
Nedjehdjeh-slumberer, Bull-that-cannot be-given-fire, Foremost-of-his flame,
Entering-of-sight-who-is-in-his-hour, Red-eyed-of-the-following-of-the-Temple-of-Red,
Shining-faced-coming-out-backwards, Seeing-by-night-fetching-by-day.
As for the tribunal of Naref, he is great for his father Ra.
As for that day of the call 'Come-then-to-us',
it is the address by Osiris to Ra 'Come then, see me'
and Ra propelled himself from the west.


Allen Part a, Section 14

ink bA Hry-ib sAwy.fy
ptr rf sw
wsir aq.f r Ddw gm.n.f bA n ra im
aHa.n Hpt ky ky im
aHa.n xpr.f m bA.f-m-sAw.f
Hr pw nD Hr it.f Hna Hr-xnt-irty
ky Dd
ir bA Hry-ib sAwy.fy
bA pw n rA Hna bA pw n wsir
bA pw n Sw Hna bA pw n tfnt
bAw pw imyw Ddw


I am the soul amid his two sons
What does it mean?
Osiris entering Djedu when he found the soul of Ra there,
and they embraced one another
and he become 'his soul in his sons'.
Another version:
The soul amid his two sons,
it means the soul of Ra and the soul of Osiris,
it means the soul of Shu and the soul of Tefnet,
it means the soul of those who are in Djedu


Allen Part a, Section 15

ink miw pfy aA nty psS iSd r-gs.f m iwnw grH pfy n aHA-a
irt sAw sbiw hrw pfy n Htm xftyw nw nb-r-Dr im.f
ptr rf sw
ir miw pfy aA nty psS iSd r-gs.f m iwnw
ra pw Ds.f Dd.tw miw r.f m Dd siA mi sw m nn ir.n.f
xpr rn.f m miw
ky Dd
wnn Sw pw Hr irt imt-pr n gb wsir
ir grt nty Hr pSt iSd r-gs.f m iwnw
wnn msw-bdS Hr mAa ir.sn
ir grH pfy n aHA-a
aq.sn pw m iAbtt nt pt
aHa.n aHA-a xpr m pt m tA r-Dr.f


I am that great cat beside whom the ished-tree was split in Iunu on that night of active battle,
and making the guard against the rebels on that day on which the enemies of the Lord of All were destroyed
What does it mean?
That great cat beside whom the ished-tree was split in Iunu
is Ra himself, called Cat when Sia said of him 'that is how he is, by what he has done'
and his name became Cat
Another version:
It is Shu when he was drawing up the will for Geb and Osiris.
As for the one beside whom the ished-tree was split in Iunu,
(it is) the creatures of the evil one being punished for their deeds.
That night of active battle
means when they entered in the east of the sky,
and then active battle broke out in the entire land.


Allen Part b, Section 1

i. ra m swHt.f psd.f m itn.f wbn.f m Axt.f
nbi Hr biA.f bwt.f isft
sqd Hr sTs Sw iwty snw.f m nTrw
di TAw n hh n r.f
sHD tAwy m Axw.f
nHm.k wsir N m nTr pfy StA-irw.f
wnn inHwy.f m rmnwy mxAy
grH n Hsb awAy
ptr rf sw
in-a.f pw
ir grH pfy n Hsb awAy
grH pfy n nsrt m xryw
di spH n isftyw r nmt.f dr bAw
ptr rf sw
Ssm pw sAty pw n wsir
ky Dd
aApp pw wnn.f m tp wa Xr mAat
ky Dd
Hr pw wnn.f m tp sn
wnn wa Xr mAat ky Xr isft
ky Dd
Hr pw xnty xm
ky Dd
DHwty pw nfr-tm pw sA bAst
DADAt pw xsf-xt r xftyw nw nb-r-Dr
nHm.tn wsir N m-a nw iryw-sTAw mnHyw spdyw
mrw Hsq iwty pr m sAw.sn imyw-xt wsir
nn sxm.sn m-a.i nn hA.i r ktwt.sn
Hr-ntt wi rx.kwi sw rx.kwi rn n mDd pfy imy.sn m pr wsir
sti m drt.f nn mAA.tw.f pXr m tA m nsrt m r.f
smi.n.f Hap nn mAA.tw.f


O Ra in his egg, shining in his disk, rising from his horizon,
floating on his sky, whose abomination is evil,
raised on the supports of Shu, without equal among the gods,
who gives the breath of flame of his mouth,
who illuminates the two lands with his power of light,
May you rescue the Osiris N from that god secret of forms,
whose two eyebrows are the arms of the balance
on the night of calculating theft.
What does it mean?
It is Bringer by his Arm,
as for that night of calculating theft,
(it is) that night of fire-serpent with sacrifice.
The one who casts lassos against the evil, (roping them in) to his slaughter-block that suppresses souls.
What does it mean?
It is Shesem, mutilator of Osiris
Another version:
It is Aapep, with one head bearing what is Right.
Another version:
It is Horus with two heads,
one bearing what is Right, one bearing what is Evil.
Another version:
It is Horus foremost of Khem.
Another version:
It is Thoth; it is Nefertem son of Bast;
it is the tribunal that prosecutes the enemies of Osiris.
May you together rescue the Osiris N from those ropemen, killers, sharp ones,
who love to behead, from whose guard none can escape, the following of Osiris.
They can have no power over me; I shall not descend into their cauldrons,
because I know him, I know the name of that one who presses, among them in the house of Osiris,
who shoots with his hand without being seen, who circles the land with flame in his mouth,
who has reported the Nile Flood without being seen.


Allen Part b, Section 2

wsir N wDA r tp tA xr ra
mni nfr xr wsir
nn xpr ab n.i im n Hryw axw.sn
Hr-ntt sw Sms n nb-r-Dr m sSw xpri
axw wsir N m bik m gAgA.f m smn
nn sk.f r HH mi nHb-kAw
ptr rf sw
inpw pw Hr pw xnt xm
ky Dd
Hr n Snyt
ky Dd
DADAt nt xsf xftyw nw nb-r-Dr im.f
ky Dd
wr swnw pw n Snyt
nn dndn.sn im
nn hA.i r kAty.sn
ptr rf sw
nw pw Hryw axw.sn
twt pw n ra Hna twt pw n irt ra


The Osiris N is well over the earth in the presence of Ra,
with a good mooring in the presence of Osiris,
Offerings will not be made out of him for those in charge of their braziers,
because he is a follower of the Lord of All by the writings for transformations,
The Osiris N flies as a falcon, and cackles as a goose,
He can never perish, like Nehebkau
What does it mean?
It is Anubis; it is Horus foremost of Khem.
Another version:
It is Horus of the entourage.
Another version:
The tribunal for punishing the enemies of the Lord of All there.
Another version:
It is the chief physician of the entourage.
They cannot rage there,
I cannot fall into their cauldrons.
What does it mean?
It is those masters of their braziers,
it is the image of Ra and it is the image of the eye of Ra.


Allen Part b, Section 3

i. nb Hwt aAt ity nTrw
nHm.k wsir N m-a nTr pfy nty Hr.f m Tsm
inHwy.f m rmT anx.f m xryw
iry qAb pw n S nsr am XAt m xnp HAtyw
wd XAwt nn mAA.n.tw.f
ptr rf sw
am HHw rn.f wnn.f m S n wnt
ir grty S nsr nty m nArf r Snyt
xnd nb Hr.f sAw xr.f n Sad
ky Dd
mds rn.f iry-aA pwy n imnt
ky Dd
bAbA rn.f ntf sAw qAb pwy n imnt
ky Dd
Hry-sp.f rn.f

O lord of the Great Temple, sovereign of the gods
May you rescue the Osiris N from that god whose face is that of a dog,
whose eyebrows are human, who lives on sacrifices,
he is the keeper of the bend of the Lake of Fire, consuming corpses with seizing chests,
inflicting injuries without being seen.
What does it mean?
His name is swallower of millions, and he exists in the lake of Wenet
As for the Lake of Fire, (it is) the one which is in Naref at the circuit,
and anyone who treads on it should guard against falling to the slaughter.
Another version:
His name is Sharpened, that doorkeeper of the west.
Another version:
his name is Baba, and it is he who guards that bend of the west.
Another version:
His name is Master of his time

Allen Part b, Section 4

i. nb nri Hry-tp tAwy
nb dSr wD nmit anx m bskw
ptr rf sw
HAty pw n wsir ntf pw wnm Sad nb
rdy n.f wrrt Aw-ib m xnt Hnn-nswt
ptr rf sw
ir rdy n.f wrrt Aw-ib m xnt Hnn-nswt
wsir pw
wD n.f HqA m nTrw hrw pfy n smn m bAH nb-r-Dr
ptr rf sw
wD n.f HqA m nTrw
Hr pw sA wsir sHqA.n.f m st nt it.f wsir
ir hrw pfy n smn m bAH nb-r-Dr
dmD tAwy pw qrs wsir
bA mnx m Hnn-nswt
di kAw dr isft sSm n.f wAt HH
ptr rf sw
ra pw Ds.f
nHm.k wsir N m-a nTr pfy TA bAw nsbw HAtyw
anx m HwAw iry kkwy imy skr
snD n.f imy-gAb
ptr rf sw
stX pw
ky Dd
ir smA Hr pw sA n gb

O lord of terror, overlord of the two lands,Hry-tp tAwy
lord of blood, flourishing in slaughter-blocks, living on entrails
What does it mean?
It is the chest of Osiris, it is he who eats all the slain.
He to whom the crown of greatness is given, elated at the fore of Henennesut
What does it mean?
'He to whom the crown of greatness is given, elated at the fore of Henennesut'
means Osiris.
He for whom rule over the gods was decreed on that day of confirming in the presence of the Lord of All.
What does it mean?
'He for whom rule over the gods was decreed'
means Horus son of Osiris when he was made ruler on the throne of his father Osiris.
'that day of confirming in the presence of the Lord of All'
means the assembling of the two lands for the burial of Osiris.
Effective soul in Henennesut,
giving sustenance, removing evil, to whom the way of eternity leads.
What does it mean?
It is Ra himself
May you rescue the Osiris N from that god who seizes souls, licks up hearts,
who lives on rotting, keeper of the darkness that is in Sokar,
of whom those in their weakness are afraid.
What does it mean?
It is Seth.
Another version:
As for the slaughter-bull, it is Horus son of Geb.


Allen Part b, Section 5

i. xpri Hry-ib wiA.f
pAwty Dt.f Ds.f
ky Dd
nHm.k wsir N m-a nw pw iryw-sip
rdi.n sn nb Axw n mry sAw xftyw.f
di.f Sad m iAty iwty pr m sAw
nn hA.i m ds.sn
nn aq.i r nmt.sn
nn wrd.i m-Xnw n smAt.sn
nn hA.i m-Xnw nmt.sn
nn Hms.i m-Xnw n HAdw.sn
nn ir.tw n.i xt m nw bwt nTrw
Hr-ntt ink iry-pat m wsxt aAt
wsir N swA wab Hr-ib msqt
rdy n.f msy n THnt imt Tnnt
ptr rf sw
ir xpri Hry-ib wiA.f ra-Hr-Axty pw Ds.f
ir nw iryw-sip bnt pw ist pw nbt-Hwt pw
ir nw bwt nTrw Hsb pw grg pw iry
ir swA wab Hr-ib msqt inp pw iw.f m-sA bit nt Xr imy-Xt wsir
ir rdy n.f msy m THnt imt Tnnt wsir pw
rdy n.f wrrt Aw-ib m xnt Hnn-nswt
ky Dd
ir msy m THnt imt Tnnt pt pw tA pw
ky Dd
qnqn Sw tAwy pw m Hnn-nswt
ir THnt irt-Hr pw
ir imt Tnnt smAt pw nt wsir

O Khepri amid his boat,
primeval one, whose body is himself
Another version:
is eternity,
Rescue the Osiris N from those keepers of the list,
to whom the lord gave powers so that they might guard against his enemies,
causing slaughter in execution, from whose guard none can escape.
I can never fall into their knives,
I can never enter their slaughterhouses,
I can never tire within their cauldrons,
I can never fall into their slaughterhouses,
I can never sit within their fire-pits,
Offerings can never be made for me from these abominations of the gods,
because I am the leader of the nobles in the great broad hall,
the Osiris N, passing by in purity, amid the place of bloodletting,
who is given the dishes of faience that is in the earth-shrine.
What does it mean?
Khepri amid his boat is Ra-Horakhty himself
Those keepers of the list are the Baboon, and Isis, and Nephthys
Those abominations of the gods are dung and its lies
The one passing by in purity, amid the place of bloodletting, is Anubis guarding the chest containing the entrails of Osiris
The one who is given the dishes of faience that is in the earth-shrine is Osiris
to whom elation is granted in the forecourt of Henennesut
Another version:
The one who is given the dishes of faience that is in the earth-shrine is the sky, it is the earth
Another version:
It is the crushing of the two lands by Shu in Henennesut
As for the faience, it is the eye of Horus
As for what is in the earth-shrine, it is the burial of Osiris

Allen Part c

qd wy pr.k itm
snT wy Hwt.k rwty ptH
pXr tw sp sn nw
twr Hr nTr stX Ts-pXr
ii.n wsir N m tA pn
iT.n.f m rdwy.f
ntf itm iw.f m niwt.f
HA.k mAi HD r pds tp
Hm n pHty n wsir N
ky Dd
Hm n pH.k wsir
sAw nn mAA.n.tw.f
m sAw in wsir N ntf ist
gm.n.k sw pdx.n.f Snw.f Hr.f
txtx.n.f r r n wAt.f
ky Dd
iwr m ist bnn.f m nbt-Hwt
ist dr.s Dw.f nbt-Hwt bHn.n.s xnn.f
nri m-xt Sft tp-awy
qaH n.i HHw rmnwy.sn
spr n.i rxyt
sxbxb n.i wnDwt xftyw nb
kfA n.i skmyw awy.sn
rdi.kwi snsn bnr
qmA.n.i imyw-Xr-aHA imyw iwnw
nTr nb Xr snd.i
n wr nri.i n-aA-n Sft.i
nD.n.i nTr nb m-a sHwr sw
sti.n.i r pr.f
anx.i r mry.i
ink wADyt nbt imyw
ar.sn n.i and im.sn
ptr rf sw
StA irw m dd imn rn HAd mAA in.tw.f Hr-a rn kAri
ky Dd
rn n xnwt
ir mAi HD r pds tp Hnn pw n wsir
ky Dd
Hnn pw n ra
ir ptx.f Snw.f Hr.f txtx r r n wAt.f
wnn ist pw Hr StA.s
aHa.n sin.s Snw.s Hr.s
ir wADyt imy-tA irt ra pw
ir ar.sn n.i and im.sn
wnn smAyw stX pw Hr tkn im.sn
Dr-ntt tkn pw Am
rdi.tw n.f m sip n imyw Ddt
sgA bAw nw xftyw.f

How well your house is built, Atum.
How well founded is your mansion, O Ruty, Ptah.
Run back, run back, these.
If Horus is honoured, Seth is bound, and vice versa.
The Osiris N has come from this land,
he has seized with his feet,
He is Atum, who is in his city.
Back, lion, white mouthed, flat headed,
Retreat at the might of the Osiris N
Another version:
Retreat at your arrival, Osiris.
He who guards unseen,
do not guard against the Osiris N - it is Isis.
You found him when he had dishevelled his hair over his face,
when he had disordered its parting,
Another version:
his brow.
Conceived by Isis, whom Nephtys nurtures,
Isis has removed his wrong, Nephthys has hunted off his troubles.
Fear in front, awe in front,
Millions bend their elbows to me,
the populace petitions me.
The sacred flock dismember all enemies for me,
the elders bare their arms for me.
I am granted the scent of the sweetness
created for me by those in Kheraha, and those in Iunu.
Every god is in fear of me,
so great is dread of me, so extensive awe of me,
I have championed every god from his detractor,
I have shot at his emergence, I live by love of me,
I am Wadjyt lady of flames,
they ascend to me, the few of them.
What does it mean?
Secret of forms and gift of Amun is name of the fire-pit
who sees what he has brought is the name of the shrine
Another version:
the name of the vessel.
The lion, white mouthed, flat headed is the phallus of Osiris
Another version:
it is the phallus of Ra
As for the one who dishevelled his hair over his face,
when he had disordered its parting,
It is Isis while she is in hiding,
and then she wiped her hair on her face.
As for Wadjyt in the land of flame, it is the eye of Horus
As for those who ascend to me, the few of them.
It is the confederates of Seth when they are approaching them,
because it was a scorching approach.
It is given to him in listing for those who are in Djedet,
to extinguish the powers of his enemies.


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