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Papyrus UC 31907

Papyrus, unknown provenance. The papyrus was formely part of a cartonnage piece, which was destroyed (but recorded) to extract the text.

... from X, royal cultivator belonging to Karanis. While I was transporting loaves of bread on a donkey to Crocodiloplis for a man detained in the gaol, and the loaves were contained in tote-bags and four 'choinikes of barley so that the jenny might have what she needed, Hathoris the policeman at the Phremithieion put himself in my path and took from me the jenny loaded as she was and with the tote-bags of bread and a sack made of tow on her back. I made myself scarce for fear of being marched to prison for 4 choinikes of barley... I submitted a memorandum to you about the jenny, but I was not summoned to answer to it. Thereupon I petitioned Anchophis your guard against the aforesaid policeman, stating that he was holding the sack and the ... he carried it off ... the sack. (When I) asked him to return it, he demanded three obols from me ... I request you to give instructions ... to Anchophis to restore to me the sack and the pack-saddle and the tote-bags.

UC 31907

Turner/Cockle 1982


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